44. Girls vs Boys (Older)

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I need more ideas and what camren fanfic do you want updated?

Your P.O.V

"Are we still doing this?!" I asked and Lauren laughed then nodded. Every year for some reason we have one day which is a Girls vs Boys day. The boys girlfriends are coming over and the prick that was dating Alice. I kinda made her leave him and Lauren wasnt to happy with me for like 3 days. I closed my eyes and tried to go to sleep but Lauren jumped on top of me.

"Get your ass up Y/N!" Lauren said and I shook my head. Lauren straddled me and leant down then started kissing my neck.

"Lauren" I said warning her and she looked up at me innocently.

"What?"She said and I laughed at her.

"Im getting up!" I said and she smiled at me, getting off me. Lauren must have misplaced her footing because the next minute she was on the floor.

"You okay babe?" I said through laughter and she started laughing loudly.

"What the fuck?" I looked at the door and saw Danny and Alice standing there. Alice was already laughing and Danny looked completely confused. I was laughing so hard I couldnt even speak. Lauren got up and smacked my butt before walking out the room. I got up and put on sweats and a baggy shirt then walked downstairs. Matt was staying over for a week because something happened between my parents and Nathan so he wanted to get away and I agreed to let him stay with us. He said Nathan was a wreck but had found some one new. My parents were pretty pissed when I told them I cheated on Lauren but once I told them what happened they forgave me because of Camila being upset and me trying to stop her and it happened with my dad once.

"Ready to get your ass beat sis?" Matt said, smirking and I shook my head.

"Just wait"I said.

"Im so scared!" He said and laughed.

"Remember the last time you challenged me" I said and he nodded genuinely looking scared. I laughed and patted his shoulder.

"Idiot" I said and everyone looked at me.

"What I do?" I asked and Lauren looked at me more curiously. I laughed at her and she smiled.

"What?" I asked.

"What happened?" She asked and the room went silent. I looked at her confused then I figured out what she was meaning.

"Ohhh basically he challenged me to a game of snap and I beat him then he got really pissy and bit me so then we got in this massive fight and I beat him" I said and they all looked at me shocked.

"Well I dont wanna be involved in this anymore" Normani said and I laughed.

"Shut up you bit your cousin because she wouldnt give you a piece of a puzzle" I said and she glared at me.

"Thats different" She said.

"Thats worse" I said and Dinah started smirking.

"Okay yeah Im not taking part in this" I said and got up, leaving the room and walking to the pool. I stood looking at my reflection in the water then suddenly was pushed into the water. I was kinda asking for it though by standing at the pool. I looked up and saw Lauren smirking at me, I saw to the side and got out.

"You little bitch" I said, laughing and she laughed at me. I walked towards her while she walked back. I walked towards her until she was against the wall and I put my hands beside her, against the wall and smirked. I leant forward and kissed her softly but Lauren soon decided to deepen it. While we were making out I pulled her closer to me and stopped kissing her. She screamed and tried to get out my grip as I carried her to the pool. I dropped her n the pool and ran away, laughing. Camila and Damien walked through and looked at me weirdly then looked outside and saw Lauren getting out the pool.

"Y/N/N you should join" Camila said, passing me a towel. Damien agreed and I shrugged.

"I dunno Camz" I said and she pouted. Lauren walked in and I chucked her a towel, Camila looked at her smirking.

"Have fun out there?" She asked her and Lauren gave her the middle finger.

"Babe I went out there to ask you to join in then came back soaking wet" Lauren said and we all burst out laughing except her.

"Okay Ill join, Jesus this house is filled with fucking idiots" I said and she slapped the back of my head softly. I am not looking forward to this.

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