12. Games

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Your P.O.V

"FUCKING HIT HER!" Matt shouted at Nathan. We got back home and me,Matt and Nathan were playing Call Of Duty. It was them against me and right now I was winning. I managed to hide from hide,camp out until he figured where I was then I attacked him. But if I knew the map well and he was hiding I managed to track him down and kill him. It was pretty entertaining really he just screamed every time I did it. Lets say Nathan hasnt ever played COD. A surprise I know right! He was always to busy for it he preferred Fifa. So this time was his first and Matt sometimes played it. I walked over to Nath and decided to give him 5 seconds to run. I had a strong weapon compared to him so if he shot me Id kill him in a second. Instead of running he repeatedly pressed the jump button while walking so every time he walked, he jumped making him do squats in the air. I burst into a fit of laughter while Matt stayed silent.

"O-Oh my god!" I breathed out,laughing at his actions.

"IVE FORGOT HOW TO RUN!" He shouted and I was starting to cry of laughter. I looked over at Matt who at this point had given up.

"Your so dumb. Nathan our 20 year old little sister is fucking beating us at a easy ass game. ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?!" Matt shouted and I started laughing harder.

"WELL I AM DEEPLY SORRY IF I CANT REMEMBER WHAT TO DO" He shouted back. I finally calmed down and shot him. He looked at me and I started laughing again. He pushed me off the bed and I landed with a thud.

"OW!" I said,getting up and Nathans door opened in a matter of minutes.

"WHAT HAPPENED?!" Lauren shouted. I looked over and saw Lauren and Camila looking at us worried. I pointed at Nathan,who gave me a glare and Lauren looked at him pissed.

"Babe Im okay Nathans just pissed I beat him"I said,trying not to laugh because if I started it would be a hard laugh at the memories.

"I forgot the buttons just shhh" I heard him mumble and I couldnt hold it. I started laughing hard.

"Y/N I think you should leave before you piss yourself" Matt said laughing. I held my stomach,shaking my head then falling to the floor because every time I laughed it hurt but it was to funny not to laugh at. I heard everyone else join in laughing at me.


"This wasnt a good idea" I said to Matt,who smirked at me.

"Oh I know but his reactions are priceless" He said and I laughed,highfiving him.

"True"I responded. We were away to play a bunch of board games. Every time me and Matt would kinda team up and then one of us would win but we didnt care we just loved Nathans reactions. We had three board games, Uno,Monopoly and Pictionary. I won Uno and Nathan got a little angry but not as much as he would for Monopoly. We then played Pictionary just to calm him down. But then I took all the places Nathan liked on the Monopoly board.

"Y/N!" Nathan shouted and I laughed. All the girls were in the room so it would be pretty funny to see their reactions.

"I won. Deal with it" I said laying back slightly,with my hands supporting me. I looked at him and smirked and he clenched his fists. I looked at Matt, who ran through to the kitchen. Me and Matthew had this thing after we had played a few times with Nathan at like 5 years old were whenever he got angry we'd do something. Sometimes we stopped to tease him and let him try to fight us.

"Want a drink?" Matt asked and I nodded. I sat up and he threw me the bottle which I caught. I looked at Nathan who was ready to attack. I quickly looked at Matt,nodding then at the girls who looked confused.

"Nathan you look abit frustrated here" I said and I opened the water bottle then poured it on him,Matt joined in and the girls laughed.

"Im going to kill you both" He said,I fist bumped Matt and hit Nathan in the back of the head.

"Thats what you get when you play games with us" I said and I walked out the room with my arm around Matts shoulder.

"Call of Duty?" I said and he laughed.

"Sure" He responded. We were less competitive than me and Nath so we had more fun.

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