20. Shit

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Your P.O.V

It Christmas Day and Im now having to drive back to my house where every one else is because I had to go visit my gran and grandads to give them presents etc. Thing is it takes almost and hour to get back and in the traffic well its going to take longer. My phone rang and it was my mum.

"Ill be home soon Im in traffic" I said , turning the radio down.

"Y/N Its not that its Lauren, shes gone in labour"She said, Her voice was shaky like and just not calm. Then I heard screaming and I knew it was Lauren.

"WHAT? Mum im stuck in traffic! Look Ill take the next turn towards the hospital. Put me on speaker to Lauren" I said.

"Okay, just hurry" my mum said.

"Y/N I HATE YOU SO MUCH. AHHH" (I dont know what the fuck happens in labour, go with it.) She shouted.

"Lauren babe calm down Ill be there as soon as I can be" I said, trying to calm her down.

"We are almost at the hospital Lauren hang in there" I heard my mum said.

"Mum! I need to go so I can get there on time without being distracted by my wife shouting into my ear and I might get stopped by police but keep her calm" I said starting to panic.

"Bye hun" My mum said.

"Bye mum, Bye Laur love you!" I said, slowly calming down. The traffic moved so I then turned and drove towards where the hospital is.


"Oww laur, Owwwwww Lauren , LAUREN" I said as my wife was crushing my hand. She glared at me and I put my free hand up defensively.

"Shes had the kid so why is she still like this?" I asked and the doctor went and explained everything to my mum.

"Lauren I need you to keep pushing babe" My mother said.

"What the fucks going on?" I asked , worried. My mum started smiling at me.

"Twins" She said and I was shocked and excited.

"C'mon Lauren push, you can do this" I said and she crushed my hand even more, making me bite my lip trying not to say anything while my mum laughed.

"I hate you so fucking much" Lauren breathed out and I laughed.

"You didnt stop me" I said and she shook her head.

"Shut up" She said.


"Guys welcome Lucas and Rose to the family" I said, holding Lucas. While my mum was holding Rose. I gave Lucas to Camz and sat down on the waiting chair she was originally sitting in. Nathan patted my back and smirked.

"Tough work, well done kiddo" He said and I laughed.

"My hand feels broken" I said and he started laughing.

"Y/N Lauren wants you" Dinah said as she was in taking to Lauren. I got up and walked into the ward and over to her bed.

"Yes beautiful?" I said and she smiled at me. I kissed her lips softly then sat down.

"Camz has Lucas and mum has Rose, Dads got the kids plus Camila and Nathans lot" I said and she giggled.

"You look so tired" She said and I laughed.

"Why thank you" I said.

"I love you so much Y/N/N" Lauren said and I smiled at her.

"I love you more Lolo" I replied

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