❦ O N E ❦

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My name is Nina Choi. I work for a very important and high classed CEO, named Kim Seokjin. He's a beautiful dark haired guys, with dark chocolate eyes, soft features and plump light crimson stained lips. I work as his maid in his 1.3 million dollar mansion. Some days are easier than others. Some days are stressful some are relaxing, but this job in general is just hectic. I've been working here for about 8 months.

His girlfriend lives with him, I don't know how long they've been dating but she moved in two months ago. The bad thing about this is she's been cheating on him the whole time, and he doesn't even know it. My first instinct was to tell Master Kim but if I did she threatened to fire me and ruin any chances of a job for me. I can't have that happen, I'm helping my father pay off his debt.

Did I mention he borrowed money from Master Kim's father before he retired. I tried to quit and get another job to pay off my fathers debt but he wouldn't let me. I'm stuck working with him for 4 years. Enough about my troubles, I should get back to work before he comes home. I went in the kitchen, with the cook. Her name is Reagan and she's really nice. She chose to work for him, I don't see why. He's a complete asshole. We were talking about nothing when we were disturbed by moaning coming from the bedroom.

"Maybe master is home." She joked.

"You know as well as I do that, that's not true." This went on for about half an hour before we heard footsteps coming downstairs. I heard their distant conversation by the front door.

"I'll miss you babe." She pouted disgustingly.

"When are you going to leave him?" He asked.

"You know after we get married, and I divorce him, I'll get half of everything. I'll see you later! He'll be home soon!" After he left she came in the kitchen. "Reagan water now!" She demanded. Reagan gave her a glass of water and she spoke again. "Nina"


"You need to wash the sheets now."

"They need a blow torch." I mumbled.

"Excuse me?"

"I said I'll be on it!" I lied. I went up stairs and did what she said. I put new sheets on the bed, and fix the room up.

"Replacing the sheets?" My boss' voice startled me.

"Y-yes master." I quickly answered.

"Why?" He asked as if he knew.

"Yeri asked me too."

"Do you know the reason?" He said while walking up to me.

"Um, no Master." I said while standing my ground.

"You wouldn't lie to me would you?" His hand was now on my face caressing it.

"N-no Master." I stuttered, suddenly feeling nervous.

"Good. You can leave." I bowed and walked out immediately. I went downstairs into the kitchen because that's where I spend most of my time when I'm not cleaning. The day passed by really fast and it was time for me to go home. There's a maid that comes during the night so I can go home with my father. I actually love this arrangement. I was walking towards the front door when Yeri stopped me.

"You stay away from my Jin!" She spat.

"It's not like you give a damn about him anyways." I snapped.

"You'll never be in my place." She sneers.

"I don't know what compelled you to think that I want to be in your place, a place of a slut."

"I could fire you right now!" She shouted.

"Do it! Then there's nothing to stop me from telling him about Sehun his cousin!" I gritted through my teeth.


"What's going on here?" He said, showing up out of no where.

"Babe, I was just telling her goodnight and she disrespected me." She said innocently.

"Is that true Ms. Choi?"

"No!" I quickly answered.


"You need to go home before I deduct your pay." He spat towards me. I didn't say anything, I just rolled my eyes and turned to leave. "Are you rolling your eyes at me?"

"Yah, bitch show some respect." I walked out the door and went to my car. Ugh, they disgust me!


She call herself having an attitude, that's okay. I'll fix that. I want Nina. They think I don't know about Yeri's cheating but I do. She just don't know that I'm using her. I never loved her, I'm just with her because my dad wants me to get married in order to maintain the CEO position. Seeing that I was already messing around with her, I moved her in and put up the ruse that we're engaged, but Nina peaked my interest when I met her.

She was a beauty, standing 5'8. Confident but shy. Strong minded but timid. Sassy but I bet I could get her to submit. She's currently paying off her fathers debt to the company, and I quickly jumped on the opportunity to have her work for me. I will have her, because I always get what I want.

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