❦ S I X T E E N ❦

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I was talking with my father with tears streaming down my face until the nurse came in the room.

"Nina?" I turned to face her, "Mr. Kim is outside he's asking for you." I nodded and wiped my tears away after kissing my father's head. I went outside where Jin was beside his car pacing. I rushed to him and cupped his face.

"Jin what's wrong?" His eyes were swollen red as if he was crying. "Babe talk to me?" He took a deep breath before speaking.

"My dad."

"What about him?" I asked.

"I was debating on telling you because we just got on good terms but keeping secrets is what broke us apart." He explained.

"Just tell me."

"My dad arranged a forced marriage... with me and Yeri." My heart dropped and so did my hands from his face.

"What?" I said in almost a whisper.

"He said he didn't want any scandals in the company so he arranged a forced marriage and if I don't go through with it he'll take the CEO position from me and that's when I told him that I'm in love with you and you're also pregnant and he can take the position because if I can't marry you then I don't want to be CEO."

"But you've worked so hard for that position, it's all you ever wanted when you were 8 or so you told me." I cupped his face.

"Yeah but people change, like me thanks to you." He weakly smiled. "I'm not the same person I was over a year ago." Tears fled my eyes. And this all happened because of fucking Yeri.

"Where is she?" He was silent and looking down at the ground. "Jin?"

"Apparently she stays with me now so I rushed here." I scoffed as more tears fell, dropping my hands once again.

"What's going to happen between you and your family?"

"Honestly knowing my dad, he'll probably disown me and give the company over to Sehun or something."

"No." I shook my head. "You can't give all of that up for me.. your job that you love, your family, what kind of person would I be if I put you in that kind position where you have to choose between me and your family."


"I want you to take the deal." I forced out.

"What!? No!" He shouted.

"I'm leaving." I lower my head trying to hold back more tears.

"What do you mean you're leaving?"

"I'm going to America with my father. His procedure went wrong and they didn't want to make me worry but now he possibly have weeks left, so we're taking the half of the money they gave back from it and we're going to see a doctor in America."

"Then I'll wait!" He cupped my face.

"No, I don't know how long I'll be and-

"Then I'll come with you." He cut me off.

"You're going to stay here and get your position back, I'll be okay."

"Nina, no our family?" His voice barely a whisper.

"I promise you won't miss any important moments."

"But they're all important-

"This is my decision Jin. I don't want to be the one to come in between you and your family. So you're going to go to your father and tell him you accept. Be in your other child's life." He scoffed at me and looked away. I made him face me to put a soft kiss on his lips. "I love you Kim SeokJin."

"Why does this sound like a goodbye?" He sadly joked.

"Well it's not" I sadly chuckled, while letting more tears fall. "It's a see you soon." He hugged me tightly, not wanting to let me go. He leaned down to kiss me and I met him halfway, letting our lips move together under the moonlight.


I was in the kitchen talking to Kate when the front door opened I was just listening in on the conversation while chopping vegetables.

"Where's Jin?"

"I don't know, he just stormed off, why are you here?"

"What do you mean? I'm here for you. My uncle called me for a chat tomorrow morning so I'm guessing he declined the wedding?"

"He'll accept for our family."

"Family? What are you talking about?"

"Our child. Me and Jin's."

"The hell are you talking about!? That's my child." My eyes widened as I stared at Kate.

"Look this was a bad idea, your just s sperm donor and I'll give you however much you want after we get married okay? Please go my husband will be home any minute."

"She's delusional." I whispered to Kate.

"So you're going to throw me to the curb, like you're not carrying my child!?"

"THIS IS JIN'S BABY!" She yelled. "NOW GET OUT!"

"Watch this pot for me?" I asked Kate.

"What are you doing?"

"Making things right." I went outside, waiting for Sehun to leave the house.

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