❦ T H I R T Y S I X ❦

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[three months later]

I walked through the woods to a nearby lake. Everything was peaceful here, the birds talking up a storm, as the wind blew. Everything seemed so right and in place.

"I loved you. I wish things didn't turn out the way they did. No matter how much pain you caused me, I didn't want you to die that way. I felt everything rushing back at once and the pain overflowed. But I managed myself quickly because I have a two daughters and son who needs me. Because I was the next of kin and you didn't have any family, I decided that a cremation would of been appropriate. We're here at our cabin, I found a beautiful lake, I wondered if you ever seen it. I got the patio rebuilt, kept every else the same." I chuckled.

"I won't let your hard work go in vain, so I'm going to use this cabin as a weekend getaway, for just me of course. I really, really hope you're peaceful, where ever you are." I opened the urn.

"Here lies Dyron, an incredibly caring guy, hopefully you'll get your happy ending somewhere." I poured his ashes in the lake and closed the urn. His birthday weekend has come to a pass some I went back to the cabin, packed up and went to my home. Well before I could do that it was one more stop.

"Hello there stranger." Dr. Mynu greeted me. I smiled widely before entering her office.

"So you poured his ashes in a lake near the cabin he was having built for the two of you."

"Yes, it just seemed, right." I crossed my legs.

"And how do you feel?"

"Honestly, I'm okay. That's all in the past now so no point of dwelling on it."

"Okay." She smiled. "How are the kids?"

"They are just amazing, Jolie and Jin are inseparable, little Jin always wanted a puppy so Jin got him one, he named him Sehun."

"Seems like everything is working for you the second time around."

"They are and I couldn't have been happier."

"I'm sure your dad is so happy and content that you are." I smiled to myself while looking down. "I guess you can officially say that you're not longer my patient." She stood up, going to her shelf, picking up a folder and bringing it to me.

"What's this?"

"Your records and journals."

I took a good look at them before glancing at her fireplace

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I took a good look at them before glancing at her fireplace. I walked to it, throwing the folder and all the journals in.

"That's not me anymore." I used the fire poker to move it around making sure everything went up in flames. I then stood up straight walking to her and hugging her. "Thank you for all your help, I hope I never see you again, maybe in passing."

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