❦ T W E N T Y N I N E ❦

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I stood at the door patiently waiting for Reagan to answer. Once she did I smiled holding up the two bottles I had in my hand.

"So, ready for this sleepover, I have cherry wine and apple cider." Reagan smiles cheekily while opening the door wider. Her home is nice, small and cozy, like a cottage, very homey. We sat down in the kitchen as she pulled out two wine glasses. She filled hers with wine and I filled mine with apple cider.

"Nice home."

"Compared to yours." She scoffed playfully.

"No I mean really. When I was was little, I always dreamed of owning one, but things change and so does dreams. All I could dream about now, is being able to give birth to my second child and getting my Jolie back. I want my family back." I trailed off. "I'm sorry-

"No, no, it's fine. I understand Nina." I smiled at her, then giggled. "What?" She smiled.

"I was thinking about the 'fight' Jin almost looked into the camera and I was about to laugh so I slapped him to cover it up. Ugh, I just hope it works."

"Don't worry, it will..." she tried to reassure me. "So what do you want to do tonight?"

"We can order takeout and watch horror movies." I suggested.

"And come up with baby names." I scoffed while chuckling at her.

"Sure, why not." I gave into her.


"Thank you for picking me up and dropping me off because you know, I needed you."

"Yea, of course you did." Jungkook scoffed while pulling into the drive way.

"I miss my wife, I miss my kid, I mean what did I do so wrOng?"

"Hyung, it isn't your fault."

"But isn't it though? I the one who got involved with that crazy bitch, she tried to not only kill my unborn but my lovely wife. She kidnapped my kid and I'm trying to keep it together for Nina, but I'm falling apart." I vented.

"How about you sleep your hangover off, you're not even talking right."

"I'm am talking right Jin!" I shouted.

"I'm am... okay Hyung, goodnight." I waved him off while slightly stumbling of his car. "Don't forget to meet me in the office tomorrow!" He yelled after me.

I fished my pockets for my keys but was having a hard time trying find the key hole. I groaned while hitting my head on the door, making me almost stumble on my face. That's weird... I knew I locked the door, but then again, I was half drunk, leaving the house tonight.

Oh well, I walked in closing the door behind me and going into my office, downing a glass of alcohol before going to my room and laying down. I was so over it, I just wanted to take Jungkook advice and sleep.

"Daddy!" I am so drunk, I am really drunk. I lifted my head and seen Jolie running to my bed. I jumped up so fast my heart didn't have time to catch up.

"JOLIE! OH MY GOD!" I embraced her so tight, her little fingers squeezed my shirt. "I'm sorry baby." I held her face. "Are you okay? Are you hurt? How did you get here did mommy bring you?"


"Yes, yes I did."

"Yeri." I growled while getting out the the bed, I grabbed her throat slamming her into the door. "What the fuck is wrong with you, you kidnapped my child, you bugged my house, you attacked Nina TWICE!?"

"I always liked it when you were rough." She forced out.

"You delusion, psychotic bitc—

"Mommy." I look to the side of me and seen Jin walking into the room. I slowly released her seeing how scared the kid looked.

"It's okay baby, daddy likes to play rough, that's all." She said reaching for him. "Jin, meet Jin, your father." She twisted her mouth up into a smile.


I was walking out of my shop, bumping into someone on the way to my car.

"Sorry." I apologized without looking back.

"Vanessa." At that moment I stopped, turning around.

"Dyron... how are you-

"Here? I've been asked that already." With every step he took I took one back.

"You were gone, you shouldn't be here, and stop walking near me dammit." I yelled, slightly shaking.

"I'm not mad at you Vanessa, you did what you had to do to protect your best friend, I respect that. Could you please tell her I'm thinking about her."

"Hell no, don't act like you care." I gritted.

"Well I do. With the miscarriage and now she's pregnant again. I want to know about the attacker." My face dropped. "Are you upset that you were out of the loop, like always." He back me into a wall, making me even more nervous that before.

"I will always know about what going on with her, so you tell Nina she can't run away from me." He winked before walking off, given me time to catch my breath. With my shaking hands I rushed to my car, speeding to Nina's house. I rung the doorbell repeatedly until it finally opened. My mouth dropped when I seen someone who wasn't Nina, half naked in a robe.

"Why are you ringing my doorbell this early in the morning." She sneered.

"First, it's late in the afternoon, second, who the hell are you and where is Nina?"

"I'm Yeri duh."

"Okay Yeri, what are you doing here?"

"I live here, bye." I stopped the door with my foot and she pulled out a gun holding it to my face. "Walk away." I held my hands up slowly stepping back.

"Okay, calm down." She glared at me before slamming the door in my face. Okay now I'm really confused and I really need to know what the hell is going on. Pulling out my phone I dial Nina's number while walking to the car. It went straight to voicemail causing me to groan. "Call me back! We need to talk!"

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