❦ E I G H T E E N ❦

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Gasps filled the building as all gazes went towards the the voice that belonged to Sehun.

"About time." Yoongi whispered but I heard him. I turned around and furrowed my eyebrows at him. I mean I'm not complaining but I would like to know what was going on.

"I Object. Yeri is a cheater and a liar and if you think that I'm not going to be in my child's life then you're crazy out of your mind." I watched him as he walked down the aisle and then back to Yeri who was scared for her life.

"So he's the father? That's why you didn't want to get a DNA test you lying cunt!" I spat. More gasps filled the room, not expecting me to talk that way, I guess.

"He's lying!" She shouted.

"We made a plan for her to marry you and divorce you so she could get half of everything, but then you fell in love with Nina and that changed things. I got Yeri pregnant a week before she found you in that bar and she came up with a new idea. But somewhere along the way she went delusional and started to get attached to you claiming it was your baby and wanting to stay in a marriage with you. I'm saying all of this because bottom line is, I'm going to be in my child's life one way or another." He explained.

"Jinnie this is your baby and we're about to be married!" She claimed.

"The hell we are! I'm not involved with you anymore." She looked at Sehun then back at me and then to all the guests, before running out of the building looking foolish and embarrassed. Sehun nodded at me and then left. While he was walking away I seen my dad walking towards me.

"I'm sorry son. I should have listened to you, I should have trusted and support your decisions."

"That's okay dad, just glad I didn't marry her." He chuckled and hugged me tightly while patting my back.

"Such a waste of a wedding though." He sighed.

"Maybe it doesn't have to be." I followed Namjoon's gaze, to Nina.


I was sitting here on the front row watching the whole wedding blow up. Seeing Yeri falling apart and embarrassed, after everything she put me through when I was his maid, I couldn't be more amused, making me forget about all the pain I was going through at the moment.

While sitting there I noticed Jin, his dad, Namjoon, heck all his groomsmen gaze fall on me. Then Jin started to walk towards me, grabbing my hand to making me stand up.

"Jin what are you-

"I didn't think it was possible but I fell in love and it changed me. The thought of being away from you, it's the worst pain I could of even imagined. I'm not letting you go again, I can't and I won't. So Choi Nina,"

"Jin..." he got down on one knee.

"Will you marry me?"

"what..." I said breathlessly.

"Be my wife. Marry me, right here, right now." My tears clouded my vision.

"Yes, YES!" He stood up and kissed me deeply. He walked me to the alter and I was getting so emotional. "I never knew anyone to get married in a blue dress." I joked through my tears of joy.

"Baby blue, close enough." He chuckled. The priest proceeded with the ceremony and I could see Jin stealing glances at me. I caught him and shyly smiled.

"Do you still have your own prepared vows," he asked Jin. Obviously I didn't but I knew exactly what to say. He looked at me and I nodded. He turned to face me before speaking.

"A little over year ago, I laid eyes on my happiness. I jumped on the opportunity to have you work for me just to have you close to me. I never had the intention of falling in love with anyone, I didn't really believe in it, I just wanted to make my dad proud, but along the way, you showed me something different. I'm so happy you can into my life and now you're giving me something that I never thought about and didn't think I wanted, but with you, I can't stop thinking about it and I want this more than anything. I want us more than anything. I love you and I promised to always be here for you, in sickness and health, for better or for worse, til death do us part." When he finished we both had tears in our eyes.

"How am I supposed to compete with that." I chuckled will wiping my tears. "Kim SeokJin, I remember hating you, but I needed to make the money for my father, then I noticed how incredibly handsome you were and how you deserved someone better than Yeri, but I never said anything, afraid of what the outcome would be. Then you confessed to me and that's when I really got nervous and my insecurities were hitting me from every direction. Wondering why would someone like you be interested in me? But you sure did make me feel loved, no matter how many times I tried to push you away, you never stopped trying and I'm glad you didn't. It's the reason I get to stand in front of you today caring our child and getting to call you mine. I couldn't ask for a better husband. So I promised, to love you in sickness and health, for better or for worse, til death do us part."

"With the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may know kiss your bride." He wasted no time, crashing his lips onto mine.

"I love you so much." He mumbled against my lips.

"I love you too!" I replied and then pulled him in for another kiss. I was finally happy in this moment, although I will miss my father like crazy, I now have someone, two someone's to fill that gap.

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