❦ T H I R T Y ❦

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After a well rested nap, I groaned while walking to the bathroom. I brushed my hair a bit putting it into a ponytail before going to the living room where Reagan was.

"How was your nap?"

"Okay. I'm really missing my kid." I groaned while plopping down on the couch.

"Vanessa called your phone and I answered, she's on the way." She informed me as I sighed.

"I haven't spoken to her in a long time, I bet she's so confused and feels left out." As soon as I finished my sentence the door bell rings. Reagan gets up, whilst I sit back sitting more comfortable on the couch. Vanessa walked in the room slowly, eyeing before dropping her bag.

"Before you say anything I'm so sorry for no calling you sooner-

"I saw Dyron." She cuts me off.


"Who is Dyron?" Reagan asked.

"My ex... I seen him too, some weeks ago."

"And you didn't tell me?" Vanessa asked in shock.

"I didn't think he would still be in town." I said in my defense.

"He came by my shop, coming straight to me, asking about you." My heart clenched inside of my chest as all the color in my face drowned, I felt it. "You're pregnant?"

"How did you know that?" I asked her.

"He told me."

"How did he know that?" Reagan looked at me.

"You think he's working with Yeri?"

"Okay what the hell is going on?" Vanessa interrupted.

"Remember my miscarriage?" She nods. "Someone pushed me down the stairs. They deliberately killed my baby. Anyways I went through a rough patch, after getting over it kind of, Jin and I starting getting intimate again, and well I'm pregnant. About a week or so ago, somebody pushed me again trying to kill my baby but they didn't. But they did kidnap my Jolie. It was Yeri and somehow Kate's involved and now I know that Dyron is somehow involved too."

"My question is why would this Dyron guy be involved, how does he know Yeri." Reagan points out.

"That I don't know but Dyron is crazy, he's a sociopath. Not to mention he was obsessed with Nina, maybe he still is." Vanessa told her.

"If you don't mind me asking, what's the history between you guys." Reagan asks.

"Dyron and I dated for a few years, it started in high school and went on a little after. He was sweet at first but then he became possessive. We moved in together the day after graduation. He didn't want to share me with anyone. I would go days, weeks without speaking to my father because he said he was the only man in my life. There were times I was separated from Vanessa because he thought Vanessa was trying to steal me from him. I kept making excuses for him until one day, I had found out he'd been cheating. I told him I was leaving him that I wanted to break up. That night he raped me and I fell pregnant. After telling him he beat me until I had a miscarriage. He..." I paused... "He told me that a child would just get in the way, a child would steal all of my attention."

"That's why, you were so heart broken when you had that miscarriage. You had already had two and didn't want a third." Reagan came to realization. I hadn't realized that I'd been crying until a tear dropped on the back of my hand.

"Yeah... after that happened his behavior became worst over the time, but I continued to make excuses."

"One day I went to their house. Nina didn't have a phone and he wouldn't let her drive so she didn't have transportation. I missed her. Then I saw her, she looked horrible and thin. I couldn't believe that was my best friend. We were in her room and she was pouring her heart out to me telling me everything. Then we heard a front door slammed."

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