❦ T H I R T Y O N E ❦

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"You're late." I stopped at the door, flipping the light switch, seeing Jungkook sitting in my chair.

"I know, hangover." I sighed while going to the desk.

"Yeri's back."

"I know that too. That little..." I took a deep breathe. "She's in my house."

"What? Where is Nina?"

"Long story short, cameras where in my house, we pretended to break up, and now Yeri is at my house, with Jolie and Jin."

"Wow." It was silent for a while, neither of us knowing what to say... "So what are you going to do now?" He asked.

"I don't know." I rubbed my face. "Play the game and see where the chips fall."

"I think you should tell Nina." He suggested.

"What no! She'd flip out and storm right over to that house-

"Jin, last time you lied she left you, while she was pregnant." He reminded me.

"It was a misunderstanding-

"And if you don't tell her that's how she's going to see this. Most of her stuff is still there, what if she comes and sees Yeri I don't know, naked at the front door, how would she see that?"

"Why are you pressing this so hard, Kook?"

"Look, no matter how much I miss partying with you or how much I hate to admit this, Nina makes you a better and less uptight version of yourself.

"You miss partying with your Hyung?" I smirked.

"I have Namjoon now." He grinned. I rolled my eyes while sighing.

"Okay, I'll do it today, after you help me figure out how the hell I'm going to get out of this situation."


I used Nina keys to get in the house as if they were mines and went straight to the kitchen like I used to. It was a little after four in the afternoon so I started looking through my old menus. The kitchen door opened but I pretended like I didn't hear it.

"Um what are you doing here?"

"Reading my menus." I said without looking up.

"You don't work here."

"Yes I do, after the fight Jin called me, asked me to start working here again because he and Nina are separated."

"Come on, you're going to pretend the fight was real too." I closed the book holding it to my side staring at the witch.

"My best friend is going through hell because of you, her daughter was stolen from her and you, you psychotic bitch cause nothing but trouble." I was now standing a inch from her.

"You think all this will get Jin to love you but it won't, especially you keeping his daughter from her mother." I brushed past her, throwing my book down on the counter. Once I made it to the dinner room little legs were entangled around my legs.


"Jolie!" I yelled, bending down to hug her. "Oh my gosh sweetie are you okay?"

"Yes I'm okay." She smiled. "Have you seen my mommy?" She whispered.

"Yes, why are you whispering?" I whispered back.

"When I talk about mommy. She gets mad." I swallowed a lump in my throat while holding her hands.

"Well you're mommy misses you so much." I told her.

"My birthday is this weekend. Will I see her?"

"Yes, I promised you."


After laying in bed all day sulking I finally sat up running my fingers through my hair. Reagan was gone to Jin's, Vanessa was back at work, but at least my baby is home with her father. Gosh I miss her so damn much and I'm here alone in my thoughts that are eating my alive.

I heard something fall and I think that must be Reagan so I get out of bed wanting to know about today and how Jolie is doing.

"Reagan?" I called out as I walked down the hallway. The living room is empty so I ended up in the kitchen only to find it the same way. I huff out a breath before opening the refrigerator stumbling upon some very good looking pickles.

Where do you keep your peanut butter? Pantry... I rushed to it picking up the medium sized container with a peanut on the front. As I turned around the jar slip through my fingers, my eyes looked in front of me.

"What are you doing here?" I say breathlessly.

"I can't come to check on my favorite girl."

"H-how did you get in the house?!" I raised my voice.

"Remember that time, junior year, when I used to sneak through your window a lot. One night you were upset with me and locked it so I found an interesting way to unlock it and slipped right on through. Over time that became my specialty."

"What do you want Dyron?" I asked sternly, well tried to, making him chuckle.

"As if you don't know." He started to walk towards me so I walked backwards, inching closer and closer to the knife set, realizing they're all gone. "I've learn by now to hide the knives Nina, we played that game remember? Our relationship was crazily perfect."

"It was toxic." I kept moving away from him.

"The right person, makes all the pain worth it." He ran, catching me off guard, trapping me between his arms. He dipped his head into my neck as my eyes started to burn with tears. "You smell good."

"Go to hell." I stabbed him as hard as I could in the side with a fork making him yell out in pain. I took the opportunity to run to the front door but wasn't fast enough. He grabbed me making me turn around and knee him in his sack.

He fell to one knee holding himself but grabbing my leg with his free hand. I fell, of course, being pulled to him as he climbed on top of me. I tried to fight him off the best I could be I wasn't strong enough. His hands wrapped around my neck choking me and my hands instantly went to his wrists.

"No!" I gasped. I punch his chest, clawed at his face, even added pressure to his wound but he fought the pain never letting up. I guess an abusive dad can help you went that. I was losing oxygen and my vision started to get a little fuzzy, I knew I was bound to pass out.

"Please... don't hurt... my.... baby." And then I let the darkness take me over.


After finishing up at the office, I drove straight to the Reagan's house. I've be thinking and thinking about ways to tell her what's going on, but I don't know which way seem right. Guess I have to hope that she take it okayish.

When I knocked on the door the door open. I pushed it slowly walking in looking behind it but there was no one. I slowly step inside and the living room was a little messy.

I moved to the kitchen and seen signs of struggle which made the alarms go off in my head. I seen blood on the counter top and little drops on the floor. I ran to the bedroom and nothing I ended up with nothing.

"SHIT!" I searched my pockets for my phone calling Jungkook. "Nina's missing."

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