❦ N I N E T E E N ❦

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I was laying down in the hospital bed, laying there motionless. I cried myself to sleep enough times blaming myself for the lost of my child. Jin has been trying to comfort me but it's only been a couple of days. I just found out the gender last week.

Two days ago I found someone breaking into my house, trying to harm Jolie while she was sleeping. I couldn't see who it was, because of the darkness that fill the house but I seen their figure as I tried desperately to fight them off, to get them out the house.

I heard Jin come in the house while we were fighting so I screamed his name and that's when I was pushed down the stairs, tumbling to the bottom, getting knock unconscious.

When I woke up Jin told me that I had lost our son. Today's the day I get to go home and honestly I don't feel safe in my home anymore.

"Mommy?" I hummed in response. "Are you okay?"

"No baby, but I will be okay. Come give mommy a hug." She jumped on the bed and hugged me as I just buried myself in the crook of her neck, trying to be strong for my 3 almost 4 year old. Jin walked back in with a bag, with my clothes in it.

"Are you ready to go babe?" I nodded my head. I feel like every time I speak my throat burns, trying to hold back the tears. I slowly sat up and he helped me get changed out of the hospital gown.

He picked me up and put me in the wheelchair. I put Jolie in my lap as we left the hospital room. He signed me out and grabbed my paperwork. He placed me in the front seat, driving to the pharmacy before driving to our house.

"No." I refused as he was about to carry me upstairs. "I want to be in the living room." He placed me on the couch and Jolie came to sit by me cuddling me. After he brought my things in the house he joined us.

"I had some cameras installed and an alarm system, to make sure something like this doesn't happen again."

"Yeah well I didn't save our son so it really doesn't matter now." I said bitterly.

"Hey look at me," he held my chin. "It doesn't matter. You and Jolie are my world and I would die if anything happened to you guys." Tears streamed down my face as he kissed my forehead before pulling me into his embrace.

"I love you so much."

"I love you too mommy." She added.

"I love you guys too." My voice cracked as I covered my face.

"You're going to be okay, I'm taking off this week to be with you-

"You don't have to do that." I cut him off.

"Yes I do and I'm hiring guards for the front and back gates." He caressed my head as I nodded. We laid there for a while and soon Jolie fell asleep in my arms, eventually I fell asleep in his arms.


I turned off the security camera to their living room. Hmmm, this is only the beginning.


A month has passed and I was getting back on my feet, moving around, after locking myself in the bedroom for weeks. I made some herbal tea and went to go sit on the couch. A few minutes later Jolie came running in the house with Jin behind her while carrying her backpack.

"Hey mommy!"

"Hey sweetheart. How are you?"

"I'm good. How are you mommy?"

"Tired but I'm going to be okay."

"Hey love." Jin pecked my lips softly before sitting next to me. Jolie sat on my lap and laid her head on my chest it was silent for a while before my phone chimed. I checked it then quickly put it away. "What was that?"

"Nothing important." Silence filled the room once again so I turned the tv onto soon cartoons for Jolie. Seeing her face light up, seeing how she sings along to the songs, dances, laughs, it's all so precious. I wish she had some one to spend this time with. I stood up and head towards my room to rest.


"Is mommy mad at me daddy?"

"Of course not princess. I just think she's still a little sad about your baby brother." She nodded while looking at the tv. "How about we get you changed into some regular clothes and we all go to the park?"

"YES!" She hopped off the couch and ran upstairs, I did the same but walked up the stairs to our room. She was sitting near the window with a brown teddy bear and blue ribbon wrapped around it in her arms.


"We didn't even get to name him." She said silently but loud enough so I could hear. "I mean we brainstormed ideas but we haven't figured out... a name." She sadly chuckled.

"I just thought.. maybe if we seen him, i-if I laid eyes on him, I would of known." I walked up to her and squatted to her level.

"I know you're hurting but your daughter is here and she needs you, she misses you. She needs her strong mommy." She sniffed and nodded her head. I stood up, pulling her along with me. "Everything going to be alright."

"You're not a fortune teller." She sassed.

"No, but I know you and you're going to get through this." I embraced her tightly, making her wrap her arms around my waist. "Why don't you get dressed so we all can go to the park."

"I don't want to go." She groaned.

"Too bad. You've been stuck in the house for a month, you need some fresh air, some quality time with Jolie." Just as I said that Jolie ran in our bedroom.

"I need help tying my shoes."

"Your shirt is backwards princess." I chuckled.

"Let mommy help you." She went to her closet, grabbed a sundress before, she walked up to her and picked her walking back to Jolie's room. A small smile lifted my lips as I looked at the small teddy bear my mother gave her.

You'll get through this, we both will, I'll make sure of that.

"Daddy let's go!" She yelled in the door way. I followed them down the stairs, grabbed my keys and went to the park. It was a nice breezy day as we all walked through the park hand and hand together.

"Look at pretty flowers mommy!" She exclaimed.

"I see them baby, but they're not as pretty as you." Her little cheeks reddened as Nina pinched them. We seen a nearby bench and took a sit in silence.

"Can I go to the playground!?"

"Yes but don't go to far okay?"

"Okay- she took off running to the slides and we were once again left in silence.

"Thank you." I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion as I looked at her.

"For what?"

"Getting me out the house, the park, the scenery, being here with you and Jolie. It's nice." She smiled.

"I've missed your smile." That made her blush.

"I'm sorry it's just- I placed my hand on hers.

"I know." She placed her hand on my face before kissing me softly.


"Ouch! My leg."

"You okay."

"Yeah. I scraped my leg." My lips are pouty.

"What's your name?"


"I'm SeokJin, but my mom and everyone say Jin." I giggled.

"I heard that name."

"Really?" He giggled too.

"Yeah, but I not remember where." I smiled, "I  gotta go. Bye!"


I was resting my head on Jin's shoulder when I see Jolie running towards.

"Had fun?" He asked her.

"Yeah, I scraped my leg. Can we get ice cream?" I sat up looking at her knee.

"Anything for my princess."

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