❦ T W E N T Y S I X ❦

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I rush upstairs to Jolie room to find it empty. My heart was beating uncontrollably as I started opening every door in the house. As I was about to go downstairs someone pushed me.

"Bitch!" That voice, I know that voice. Luckily I didn't pass out. Just by the way the person was built and walked I knew it was a female. She straddled me and began to choke me so I started to scratch at her face pulling off the mask. My eyes widen but I always knew I would see her again.

"Miss me?"

"You bitch!" She looked taken aback so I grabbed her arm and twisted it hearing scream out in pain. I stood up and kicked her in her stomach. "WHERE IS MY DAUGHTER!?" I shouted as she started to laugh maniacally.

She grabbed my leg making me slip. We tousled around on the floor before I finally head butted her in the nose, pushing her off me. I ran upstairs to grabbed my phone and hurriedly dialed Jin's number. Pick up, pick up, pick up.


"Jin call the police and tell them- something smashed against my head, I'm guessing it was the lamp on the my bedside. I fell on the floor, rubbing my the back of my head that was slightly bleeding. She turned me over, stepping on my hair. She took the phone out my other hand throwing the phone against the wall, smashing it.


"It's not my fault you're a lying manipulative bi- she slapped me, screaming in my face.


"JIN!!!" I yelled back. She kicked me in my stomach before jumping out the window. I held my stomach while crying as Jin busted through the door.

"No!" He ran to me, pulling me into his embrace.

"Y-Yeri." I forced out.

"Where is she!?"

"Window..." I started crying again still holding my stomach. "M-my baby... Jin." His glossy eyes looked at me. "Jolie's gone." And just like that his whole world crashed just as mine.


I limped, more like crawled my way to car. That's what I get for jumping out a damn window. I finally made it though crawling into a back seat with Jolie. She was crying uncontrollably.

"Shhhh.. it's okay, mommy's here."

"I want my mommy and daddy." She cried.

"And soon we'll be together."

"So shut up you little brat!" Dyron spat. She started crying so before he turned around putting a white towel over her mouth and nose. She struggled greatly for a few seconds because passing out.


"So! It isn't mine." He snarled before driving off.


I sat by her bedside, red puffy eyes, waiting for her wake up. She's been in and out for the past hour and thank God our baby is still alive. I just hate the fact that my Jolie is missing but I'll find her, by any means necessary. She stirred a bit so I raised up to grabbed her hand.

"Baby?" Her eyes fluttered open but quickly closed because of the bright lights.

"Wher- where am I?"

"Nina." I called out to her.

"Jin." She swallowed hardly, but then I realize her throat must be dry. I walked over to the water jug and grabbed a small cup of water. I handed it to her, helping her drink. "My baby..." he hand went to her stomach.

"Is fine." I finished her sentence.

"Where's Jolie?" I was silent. "Jin where is my baby!?" She growled while sitting up and groaning, forgetting she's in pain.

"Babe relax..." I helped her lay back down. "I don't know where she is but I will her, I will find our little girl." She nodded, letting the tears fall. I sat on the bed, caressing her face with my thumb, wiping her non-stopping tears as she held my arm tightly.

Few minutes later, the doctor and an officer appear. The doctor asks her simple questions making sure she's aware of her surroundings, whilst taking her vitals.

"When I ran tests earlier, great amounts of stress was shown, which is bad for the baby. I'm placing you on bed rest for one week and I'm prescribing some meds so your pregnancy can run smoothly, and you can get back on your feet because you are," she checked her papers, "four and a half weeks. I'll be back with discharge papers and prescriptions." She look to the officer before leaving the room.

"Good evening, Mrs. Kim." She didn't say anything, she just stared at him. "I guess I should get right to the point.. can you tell me what happened tonight." She gulped and I looked at her, nodding.

"My husband receive a call, moments before saying that he needing to go to his company, so he did. I heard noise-

"What kind of noise?" He cut her off.

"Glass breaking. I went to my daughter's room and she was sleeping, and then I heard more, so I closed her door and went to check it out. I was one foot downstairs until I heard Jolie scream so I rushed to her..." she took a deep breath sniffling.

"W-when I got to her room it was empty so I check everyone room on that floor but before I could walk downstairs I was pushed. Luckily I didn't pass out, so I looked my attacker in the face."

"Who is?"

"Yeri, Kim Yeri." She said with this dangerous look on her face.

"Kim? Is she related to you?" He asked me.

"No! She a crazy, psychopath, who is also my ex that can't take a hint."

"How long were you two together?"

"Few months maybe." I shrug.

"Mr. Kim would you say your relationship was violent?"

"We barely saw each other, in which she took the initiative to sleep with my late cousin. She used me for my money, fake a pregnancy with me, and every since our almost wedding day I haven't heard anything from her."

"Late cousin? Your cousin is dead"

"Yes... Oh Sehun." The officer cleared his throat, obviously something on his mind but he didn't bring it up.

"Mrs. Kim, what happened after you seen her."

"We fought, obviously. I made it to my bedroom to call Jin and tell him to call the police but I'm guessing he was already close. Anyways he screamed my name from downstairs and that's when Yeri kicked me in my stomach before jumping out of the window."

"Of your bedroom?"


"You're window is 3-story up correct?" She nodded. "It's nearly impossible to survive that and she was not found anywhere near your house."

"She isn't working alone, I can feel it."

"Well, thank you for your cooperation, we're going to stay on this case, rest up Mrs. Kim." He said before closing his notepad and walking out of the room.

"I'm taking off." I announced.

"No, Jin-

"Someone broke into the building and trashed my office. My dad has offered to step in as CEO, I need to be home with you, helping you find our baby girl along while protecting our other child." I held her hands.

"Jin, I'm not showing yet, how did Yeri know I was pregnant."

"Now I'm certain, Kate is helping her."

"Kate didn't know either."

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