❦ F O U R ❦

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The next day was really awkward and uncomfortable for me. He called but I didn't answer, I let Reagan answer instead. She said that he'll be home late and I was relieved. After making the beds, cleaning the living room, and washing clothes I decided to go to my room. While laying there I fell asleep.


I finally made it home. Work can get so stressful. I just want to get in the house and relax... with Nina. Once I got inside I was looking around for her but I didn't see her.

"Reagan, where is Nina?"

"She's in her room master." I left and went to her room. I saw her sleeping and my normal instinct was to wake her up, but when I saw her beautiful, resting face I didn't want to ruin that. Instead I crawled in the bed beside her and wrapped my arms around her. She smells so sweet, her fragrance Japanese cherry blossom invades my nose.

She's so precious I just want to rip her innocence away before she takes away from austere appearance. I caress her soft hair, as I turned her to face me. She snuggles her head into my chest while still sleep. What are you doing Jin? My face is getting closer to hers and I place a soft kiss on her lips. I'm glad she didn't wake up.

I pulled back and look at her once more. You can't be in love with your maid I told myself. Before I knew it I fell asleep and it's even better with her in my arms. I woke up in the middle of the night and the space beside me was empty. I got up and she was no where in her room. I left the room and went to look in the kitchen. There she was drinking a glass of water. When she turned around she was startled to see me.

"Why are you up this late?"

"I-I wanted to get something to drink." She stuttered. I could tell she was nervous as I walked up to her.

"You should be sleep, you have to wake up early."

"I know, um I should go back in my room then..." she was about to walk away but I moved in her way. She just stared up at me, not knowing what to do or how to react. I placed my hand on her face, caressing her cheek with my thumb. I suddenly had the urge to kiss her, wanting to feel her lips move with mine.

"Don't move." I whispered. I placed my lips gently on hers. She didn't kiss back at first but I was surprised that she slowly responded, wrapping her arms around my neck. I got caught up in the moment as I started to kiss her more roughly. I picked her up and placed her on the counter top. I slide my tongue in her mouth tasting her sweet lips, exploring her mouth.

She moaned in the kiss and it drove me crazy as I pressed my body against hers. A few moments later I pulled away, to catch my breathe. I stared at her swollen lips and licked my lips at the view. I wanted to dive back in but she placed her hand on my chest.

"We can't... you can't. You have a girlfriend." She spoke timidly. She jumped down and started to walk away before I trapped her.

"Answer me honestly. Why didn't you tell me that she was cheating?"

"She threaten to fire me."

"You know she don't have the power. Or maybe you thought that I have flings going on too." She didn't say anything. "Of course you did. Well let me tell you one thing, I've only ever been head over heels, maybe even in love with one person, and soon I will make her mine, even if I have to wait another 8 months." I walked away and went to my room. I don't want to admit it to her but I hope she knows I'm talking about her.


Every since that night I haven't been able to get Jin and what he said off my mind. I convinced myself that I have been overthinking it but he was pretty clear with his hints as to who he was talking about. Today was the day that Yeri was supposed to come back and maybe everything can go back to normal, if that's even possible.

I was in the kitchen talking to Reagan as always when they came back from the airport. I was in a deep conversation about nothing when her irritating voice rang in my ears.

"Nina get me water." She commanded.

"You're literally 3 feet away from the fridge."


"So I'm a maid, not a bitch! Get it yourself I have cleaning to do."

"Jinnie can you believe how she talks to me." She said cutely. Ugh I don't like her!

"I see. Get her water." I sighed while rolling my eyes. I went to the fridge and reach my arm out because that's literally how close we were and I handed her the bottle.

"Need anything else?" I said sarcastically. Jin watching my every moment with eyes full of.. lust? I can't deal with his games and I won't! I left the kitchen to go clean one of the vacant rooms even though it was already clean but I need to get away from there. It was past 11 and I finally laid down because I was tired.

A few moments later Jin came into my room and lay next to me. I quickly got up and left the room. I went to the kitchen to get something to drink, clear my mind at least and of course he followed me, grabbing my arm to make me face him.

"What's your problem!?" He whispered yelled.

"I don't know what kind of games you're playing but you can dismiss me with all of that. I'm not a toy!" I snapped.

"I know."

"And- wait what?"

"I know and I'm sorry." He said while intertwining our fingers.

"No don't do that!" I snatched my hand away.

"Do what?" He said while coming closer to my face.

"That." I looked at his lips getting closer to mine. He kissed me. "Apologizing and kissing me thinking everything is going to be okay." He kissed me again.

"So what do you want me to do Nina." He kissed me passionately making me moan into the kiss.

"Mmm, stop." I said as I put my hand on his chest.

"Stop what?" He whispered before kissing me, again.

"This." I whispered back.

"Why? You're mines."

"No I'm not and Yeri is upstairs."

"I don't care." He pushed me on the fridge and kissed me roughly.

"Jin what are— I muffled in the kiss before he put his tongue in my mouth. He held me tightly while I unconsciously wrapped my arms around his neck, enjoying his touches and his tongue gliding across mine. I would like to say that I had self control and stopped the kiss but I didn't, he did.

"I'll let you go to sleep alone tonight, but don't run away from me next time." I slightly nodded before walking off. I took one last glance at him before disappearing from his sight.

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