❦ T H I R T Y F O U R ❦

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I groaned while holding my stomach. I opened my eyes and seen Dyron beside me, unconscious. I crawled to him checking his pockets for his phone and keys hopefully. After searching and trying to flip him over, I found them in his back pockets. As soon as I forced myself to stand up, he grabbed my leg. I gasped pulling it back as he groaned, trying to pull himself up.

"Nina.." he pulled out a knife which made me step back further. "I-I just wanted you to forgive me, I want you to love me."

"I have forgave you Dyron, and I'll always care about you, but I love Jin." I told him, hopefully he'll listen this time.

"Is that your final answer?"

"This isn't some game or a test." I furrowed my eyebrows.

"You're right."

"NOOO!!!" He slit his throat. As he dropped to his knees I ran to him, holding his throat trying to stop the blood even though it was impossible. "Why did you do that you're so fucking stupid!"

"I love.. you." He breathing went from shallow to no more and his heart beat went from fast to nothing.

"Dyron..." I sobbed while closing my eyes. I kissed his forehead before letting go off him. With his keys and phone in hand I called the police. As I went inside to check Kate's pulse they're wasn't any and I couldn't help my tears. I stood up, stumbling out the door. I closed my taking a deep breathe before going to the car and driving home.


I dropped the kids off at Reagan's and Vanessa and I went to the house. She wasn't kidding when she said it'll be hour and a half drive but I made it half the time. I ran out the car, Vanessa following closely behind.

"The door's lock."

"Check the back." She nodded running around as I tried to break the door with my shoulder. About the fifth try it open but I quickly stopped in my steps. Kate... I ran to her, a pool of blood under her body. There was no pulse, she was lifeless on the ground. I started to check the rooms-

"JIN!" I ran towards Vanessa's screams. Oh my God. "He's dead."

"She's not here." I walked closer seeing wood on the ground which made me look up. "He fell, but shouldn't he be laying here."

"What do you think happened?" She asked me.

"I don't know but we got to find Nina."


I slammed the car door, stalking towards the house. During my car ride I've done a lot of thinking and reminiscing and after all of that, it left me mad as hell. With all the strength I could muster up I kicked open the door.

"Jolie!" I yelled and got no answer. I looked around the house and it was quiet, a little too quiet. I noticed the car was gone when I pulled up so maybe no one is here-

"I was wondering when you'd show up." I turned around and look at the person responsible for my life turning into hell.

"Where's my daughter, where is Jin?"

"You ruined my life."

"Again with that, I thought we discussed this, you ruined your own life." We started to walk in circle, staring each other down. "You cheated on him with his cousin." I looked at her in disgust.

"Ugh, Don't remind me of him. The only good thing came out of that is Jin."

"Is that why you killed him?"

"He was a means an end, no one will miss him."

"What about little Jin, will he even remember his father five years from now?"

"His father is Jin, and we'll be happy, once I get you out the way." She pulled out a gun making me stop in my tracks. "Why couldn't you just stay out the way, I thought you would have been happy with Dyron back."

"You're the reason he's dead. You played on my sickness and now he's dead, he killed himself."

"I always knew he was weak." I growled about to storm towards her until I heard the gun cock. "Don't do anything you'll regret sweetie."


"The alarm company just reported a break in." I said while checking my phone. "It's Nina, it has to be."

"And Yeri still has that gun... step on it Jin." I pressed my foot down harder, I'm only 30 minutes away, I have to make it.


"Why can't you see that he doesn't love you."

"He does! I just have to get you out the way!" She argues.

"This is not healthy Yeri, trust me."

"Who are you to tell me what's healthy and what's not. You got the crap beat out of you nearly everyday and you still went back to the same guy!" She shouted.

"I was young and in love with the thought of being in love. But I went and got help and I saw that what I was doing was hurting me, emotionally and physically. It's not to late Yeri, you're still young and Jin, you have a son who loves you, have you thought about him at all."

"I have! That's why I'm making this life for us, no one is standing in our way."

"So you're willing to destroy lives, my daughter's life, in hoping to gain what? Jin's love?" She looked down, hopefully rethinking her decisions. I looked up and seen Vanessa walking slowly behind her with a vase, my heart dropped but I had to keep cool.

"Just think about what you're doing Yeri."

"Oh I have, and it'll be me with the happy ending." She raised her gun again, aiming at me.

"NO!" The gun went off but I didn't get hit, I did get slammed to the floor. I heard a grunt, followed by a scream. I opened my eyes and seen Jin on top of me.

"JIN!" I yelled.

"I'm okay, I'm okay." The was a dark stain on the shoulder of his brown trench coat. I snatched it off noticing the red stain on his white shirt. Tears filled my eyes as he held my face. "It's just a scrape Nina. I'm okay." I nodded while hugging him tightly. I looked over at Vanessa, holding the gun, aiming it at Yeri.

"Do it! Kill me already!"

"No!" Vanessa looked at me like I was crazy. "You're not thinking clearly. Yes you have turned my life upside down but I won't kill you, I'm not that cold hearted. Jin already lost his dad, he don't need to lose his mom too." She looked down, sobbing.

"I'm so sorry Jin."

"It's okay Yeri, I forgive you. We're going to get you help." I looked up at him and right then the cops invading our house, taking Yeri away and searching the house.

"Hyung!" Jungkook yelled.

"Right here." He yelled back.

"Thank God. Are you okay Nina?" I nodded as he hugged me.

"Thanks man." I turned to Vanessa checking on her.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine." She leaned into me.

"And Jolie?"

"At Reagan's, she's okay."

"Okay." I nodded taking a deep breathe. Before I knew it, my vision became blurry, and everything around me was faded away. I was getting light headed my legs becoming weak.

"NINA!" Was the last thing I heard.

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