❦ S E V E N ❦

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I woke up the next morning and the bed was empty. I got up and went downstairs and seen Nina placing breakfast on the table.

"Goodmorning Master." She said without making eye contact with me. I was going to hug her from behind until she moved away from me. I sat down at the table as she was walking away to do something else.

"Can you bring me orange juice." She did as she was told and just when she sat the juice down I grabbed her wrist. "Sit with me." She sat down on the other side of the table. "By me." She hesitantly got up and sat next to me. I placed my hand on her thigh and her body tensed up from my touch. "Why are you avoiding?"

"I-I'm not." She stuttered.

"Nina, I meant everything I said last night and I don't regret anything that happened." She looked at me for the first time this morning, but she didn't hold the gaze for long as she looked away. I leaned and kissed her. She slowly kissed back. I gripped her thigh causing her to gasp so I could slide my tongue in her mouth. I pulled away and she shyly smiled.

"Feed me Nina." I moved my chair back and patted my lap for her to sit. She did so and picked up a fork full of pancakes while I opened my mouth for her. She shifted in my lap a little bit causing an erection in my sweats.

She picked up a strip of bacon and was about to put it in my mouth until she snatched it away and put it in her mouth. I quickly grabbed the other side with my mouth resulting in us kissing. She moved once more pressing her butt against my member. I groaned in the kiss while placing my hand on her womanhood.

"Keep moving and I'll bend you over on this table. I growled against her lips." She pulled away with red cheeks. She's so cute when she's flustered. I smirked at her as she continued to feed me. I decided to stay in today. I told her not to work so I could 'spend time' with her.


I don't how this will work but I'm willing to try. I was drawing circles on his bare chest when Yeri popped in my mind. I sat up in the bed pulling the covers with me.

"What's wrong?" He said while sitting up with me.

"Yeri..." I mumbled but loud enough so he could hear.

"Oh that reminds me..." I looked at him as he grabbed his phone off the nightstand. He called someone and I just stared at him. "Hey can you send someone up to get Yeri's stuff... send it to Sehun's." I furrowed my eyebrows at him as he hung up the phone.

"You don't have to worry about her okay? Now let's get in some clothes. I don't want anyone looking at what's mine." He pecked my lips and got out the bed. I quickly put on my uniform and went back down stairs. The day passed away pretty fast. Everything of Yeri's was finally gone and I couldn't be more relieved.

One Month Later

I was visiting my dad. We were talking, having a conversation about something random when he brought up his procedure.

"So my operation is going to be in 2 weeks." He said cheerfully.

"Really!? You didn't need to make a payment right now?" I asked eagerly.

"Actually, the whole 200,000 dollars were paid in full by Mr. Kim. I mean I don't know what you did but thank you sweetheart." He hugged me as I was in a shock state. Does this mean that I'm not working for him anymore. After I finished visiting my dad, I headed home. When I got there some woman was in the same uniform I wear. I was confused to what was going on.

"Um, excuse me who are you?"

"Hi, I'm Kate, the new maid here." I furrowed my eyebrows at her as I looked at the boxes she was carrying.

"Why are you moving my stuff, and where?"

"Master told me to box these things up and put them in the living room until one of you got home." She said timidly.

"Why!?" I was getting a little upset as I was clueless as to why she was doing this. Was he throwing me out!?

"Because she's new and I don't trust her to go in my room." I turned around to meet his voice as I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"Huh?" I needed more clarification.

"I'm moving your things into my room, you're not my maid anymore"

"O-okay." I was about to pick my boxes up but then he stopped me.

"I will send someone to do this."

"Why? I can do it myself." He took my hand and brought me upstairs. "Why are you treating me so fragile?" He went to his dresser and pulled some papers out.

"Because someone made some hospital visits and didn't tell me." He said as he held the papers up. I was frozen and couldn't say a word. When I did manage to open my mouth I was struggling to find the right words to say.

"I, um... I was going to tell you.."

"But you were afraid of how I would react.." how does he do that!? Read people.. I look down because I couldn't meet his gaze. I didn't notice when he walked up to me until I saw his feet in my view. He look my chin to make me face him. "I'm hurt that you didn't tell me when you found out, but I'm happy and anxious."

"Why would you be anxious?"

"I never gave any thought to having a child, but I'm glad it's by you. I want to be a better person for you." I smiled at his cheesiness.

"You're already perfect Jin.. granted you do have your flaws but I think you're perfect enough." He smiled at me and kissed me gently.

"Well I can't have my girlfriend, the mother of my child working now can I?"

"Girlfriend? Wow, I had to get knocked up for you to use the g word with me." I said playfully.

"Well considering you've be the one rejecting me, this way you don't have a choice but to be my mines." I smiled at him as I pulled him in for a kiss.

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