❦ S E V E N T E E N ❦

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"MASTER WAKE UP!" I groaned while rolling over in the bed. She walk over to my blinds and opened them wide.

"Kate, I don't mean to be rude, but why are you in my room?"

"Actually this is Nina's old room if I'm not mistaken."

"What are you doing here?" I groaned in annoyance.

"It's your wedding day and you leave in an hour, get up sir, today is going to be a good day." She left the room and I just stared at the ceiling. The hell it is. I've been sleeping in this room while Yeri sleeps in my room. She is very persistent but it's pointless, I've been thinking about Nina every since she left last month and I can't get her off my mind.

It was different when she moved in with Vanessa, now she's in another country. I feel like I've been dying slowly since. I promised to do right by her, starting with getting my CEO position back but I have nothing but resentment for Yeri. I dragged myself out of bed, doing my morning routine, attempting to skip breakfast.

"Jin, sit." Reagan ordered.

"You sound like Nina." I sigh.

"And if she was here right now, she wouldn't want to see you like this."

"But she's not so she doesn't have a say do she!?" I snapped and then quickly calmed down. "Have you spoken with her?"

"I have, her father died." She sighs with a hint of sadness. My heart broke for her. "And when she's ready, she'll be back, but when she does come back she wouldn't want to see you, miserable."

"She told me to marry Yeri, doesn't get anymore miserable than that, but I feel for her, I hope she comes back sooner than later. She shouldn't be out there all alone with no family."

"She's a strong girl, you know that..." Silence consumed the kitchen as I started to eat. "I want you to finish breakfast, I'm about to go out, I'll see you at the wedding."


I was driving to the airport to pick up my favorite person.

"How was the flight?" I asked her as she got in the car.

"It was okay and tiring."

"Where are your things?"

"I had them sent to Vanessa's just in case, this doesn't turn out how it should."

"Have a little faith. Sehun will come through." She weakly smiled and I noticed the sadness in her eyes. "How are you really?"

"Everyday is a new day for healing, and seeing Yeri get embarrassed today will be the highlight of my day." She laughed slightly.

"Well shall we get going?"

"We shall." She smiled and I smiled back at her, while driving away.


I was sitting, thinking about the biggest mistake I'm about to make.

"Jin! What are you doing?" Namjoon barked.


"You need to be getting ready." Jungkook reminds me.

"I have like an hour."

"Which can turn into a minute if you don't get your ass up." I sighed and stood up.

"I'll get ready." He sighed and they both walked out the door.

"I don't know what you're going to do with that one." I heard him say, but I didn't bother turning around. I was trying to fix my tie and my blood was boiling as the anger surged of agreeing to do this. I was having trouble with it and then I heard someone giggling behind me. I slowly turned around ready to give them a death glare but then my jaw dropped.

"Need some help?"

"I-I..." she walked up to me and started to fix my tie.

"Perfect." Nina smiled. I was still trying to get the words to come out of my mouth. Words stuck in your throat. "Master?" She joked.

"How are you...?"

"Reagan's my date." She answered, reading my mind.

"Of course she is." I smile awkwardly. "I.. um, I'm sorry to hear about your dad."

"Thank you." She smiled softly.

"How you've been?"

"I've been better. Taking everything day by day."

"I wish you would let me be there for you, I don't think this is the answer, pushing me away and changing your number." I slightly scolded.

"You're literally seconds away from walking down to the alter." She laughed.

"Just tell me one thing." I placed my hand on her baby bump, which has grown since the last time I seen her.

"I'm listening."

"If I was to propose to you what would you say?" She was silent for a while but I wasn't letting this go until I heard her answer. "What would your answer be?"

"Yes." Her voice cracked. "Without a second thought" I placed my hand on her face and caressed her cheek.

"I love you."

"I love you more." I wanted to kiss her so bad but this might be a bad time. "I'll see you later." She kissed my cheek and walk out the door. I sighed and finished getting ready before walking out the room, to the alter. I wasn't paying attention to the ceremony at all. Yeri was standing in front of me all 'holier than thou', I kept staring at Nina from time to time. I just hope someone save me from this tragedy.

"If they're any objections to this union please speak now or forever hold your peace." He announced. Please someone say something, anybody-


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