❦ T W E N T Y ❦

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We came back and I put the house keys in the bowl by the door. Jolie skipped in the living room while licking her ice cream and I sat on the couch with her.

"Did you have fun?"

"Yes." She sat on Jin's lap as I sat beside them.

"Did you meet any new friends?"

"Yes, a boy. He was my age, I think." She said while crunching on her ice cream cone. I looked at Jin as he shifted uneasily and I chuckled a bit.

"Want to help mommy make dinner?" She nodded, so I kissed Jin's forehead and walked her into the kitchen with me.


Jolie skipped down the halls excitedly to Jin's office. I couldn't help but smile as I tried to catch up to her. She made it in the office and I closely followed behind.

"Someone's happy." She sat on one lap and I went to sit on the other.

"I met a new friend today at school." She grinned.


"You'll never guess what his name is." I added.

"Kim SeokJin." She answered.

"You're kidding." He chuckled and looked at me. When I shook my head his face dropped, and worry spread across his face.

"Jin what's wrong."

"Nothing. Nothing at all."


I was laying down in bed with Nina and Jolie in my arms. They fell asleep almost instantly after we got in bed. I thought that they might want dinner when they wake up so I carefully removed Nina's arms from around me and crept down stairs.

I pulled out some stuff from refrigerator before pulling out the pans and spices I need. While seasoning the vegetables I got a phone call.


"Hello my favorite Hyung"

"What do you want Jungkook?" I chuckled.

"I did some digging like you asked. Sehun died two years ago. The kid Kim SeokJin, is 3 years old. His birthday is exactly a month after Jolie's. Can you say coincidence, I think not." I stopped what I was doing.

"So Sehun is dead? How am I just hearing about this."

"Apparently he died, in another country, food poisoning."

"Is Sehun the father of this kid?"

"Don't know, I don't even know who the mother is, the birth certificate that I found has the mother and the father name asterisk out." I sighed.

"Okay man, thanks."

"No problem. Tell the gorgeous wife of yours I said hello."

"Is that a death wish?" He chuckled and hung up the phone. I rolled my eyes and put my phone back pocket while getting back to what I was doing.

"Who was that on the phone?" Nina startled me as I turned around to see her walking towards me.

"Uhm, that was Jungkook."

"Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, he didn't want anything." She nodded her head while sitting down at the island. "Where's Jolie?"

"She's still sleeping." She responded. Even though my back was turned to her while I was cooking, I could still tell something was wrong with her. I finished up while she was sitting there playing with her hands.

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