❦ F O U R T E E N ❦

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"Good morning." He said in a raspy voice.

"Good morning." I yawned, "why are you staring at me."

"You're beautiful when you sleep." I rolled my eyes and sat up while stretching. "You know you been staying here a lot, you might as well move back in."

"Last night was an accident!"

"Sure, and the night before that too." He teased.

"Yep." I lied.

"You hear your mommy lying." He said to my stomach. I just blushed at him.

"Where are my clothes?"

"On the floor where you left them." He teased. I straddled his lap and placed my hand around his neck.

"Last night was a momentary lapse of weakness, doesn't mean you're off the hook, got it?"

"Yes ma'am." I pecked his lips and got out of bed. I found his shirt on the floor and buttoned it up on me. He got up and put on his trousers and we went downstairs.

"Where's Reagan?"

"I gave her the day off. I'll be cooking breakfast."

"You're cooking for me again? I must be special." I sat on the counter top while he placed the pans on the stove.

"You are, both of you." He smiled at me and I just rolled my eyes playfully.

"Gosh when did you get so cheesy."

"When I fell in love." I blushed as he smiled at me as he started to make breakfast. Gosh he looks so sexy cooking with his shirt off, I could watch him all day. After he was done, he picked me up and carried me to the table. I was about to sit in my own seat but he pulled me to his lap. We were eating and breakfast was amazing as always.

"Your appointment is at 12 right?"

"Yeah, what time is it?"

"A little after 10." I nodded as I sipped my orange juice.

"I hope I get my Jolie."

"I just hope her attitude isn't like yours." He joked.

"Yah! My attitude isn't that bad. Pregnancy heightens my emotions." I pouted.

"You're so cute." He kissed my nose and we finished breakfast. I went in the closet because I still had clothes here and picked out a simple gray sundress. I brought my clothes in the bathroom with me and I turned on the shower. I stepped inside and started to lather myself up with the soap. I gasped as I felt a pair of arms wrap around me.

"Jin what are you doing?"

"I wanted to join you." He kissed my shoulder.

"Jin we don't have time for that.."

"I'll be quick and gentle, I promise." He turned me around and kissed me gently. He picked me up and pressed me against the cold tiled wall. His lips moving to my neck to leaving wet kisses on it. Soft moans came on out of my mouth as he begin to tug on my sweet spot with his teeth.

He placed himself at my entrance, sliding in instantly, watching my face to make sure I'm alright. I nodded and kissed his lips as he started to grind against me, thrusting slowly. I was breathless as he sped up, my moans muffled in his mouth. He was right when he said it'll be quick as I felt my orgasm coming already.

"Mmm, I'm cumming!" I said in the kiss.

"Cum babygirl." I released on him as he released in me. He put me down and kissed me as we were still trying to catch our breaths.

"Told you I'll be quick." He smirked.

"Yeah but the gentle part went out the window." I giggled. "We can't be doing this when my bump get bigger." I teased. He groaned while sucking on my bottom lip. We finished up in the shower and got dressed.

"Look at that, 30 minutes to spare." He said while holding his phone up.

"Whatever let's just go." We arrived at the hospital 20 minutes later, walking hand in hand down the hallway, to the room. I sat on the bed waiting anxiously.

"Are you nervous?"

"Sorta, kind of."

"I don't think sex harmed the baby."

"It's not that..." I chuckled. "Every appointment I realize that I'm one month closer to my due date. What if something go wrong, what if I can't deliver, what if the baby doesn't make it-

"Nina, breathe. You're the strongest woman I know. You can do this, and I'll be right here by your side."

"Promise?" He kissed me softly.

"Promise." I nodded my head.

"Can you hand me that blanket." I lifted my dress up and covered my bottom half, Seconds following Dr. Many walked in.

"Hi Nina!"

"Hey doc!" I tried my best to hide my nervousness.

"I see your bump grew." She smiled.

"Yeah, I'm really getting fat." I joked.

"Ready to find out what we're having?"

"Yeah." I smiled widely. She prepped up for the ultrasound and we watched the monitor as she ran the transducer across my abdomen. We watched patiently.

"Oh my!" She exclaimed.

"What is it?" Jin asked, anxiously.

"You got your baby girl." I covered my face as I got emotional. Tears started to flow from my eyes. I finally get my mini me, my Kim Jolie. "Awe mom!" She whined while hugging me. When she pulled away Jin kissed my forehead.

"We're having our Jolie." I cupped his face and kissed his lips. Dr. Many smiled at us before going to get my paperwork. Jin cleaned my stomach as I wiped my tears. "Hi there princess." He said to my stomach. "This cause for a celebration." He said to me, while wiping the jelly of my belly.

"What kind of celebration?" I scolded.

"The kind where it's a surprise." I sat up and pulled down my dress.

"Okay." She came back with the papers and we left. As we sat down in the car, my curiosity got the best of me. "Can I at least get a hint to this surprise."

"Okay, You and me, away from here for one week."

"Away from Seoul or away from Korea."

"Away from Korea, think of it as a pre honeymoon, what do you say?"

"Hmm, okay. I accept, but first can we get something to eat, I'm hungry!"

"You just ate breakfast." He chuckled.

"That was for Jolie, this is for me."

"My hungry babies." He smiled and kissed the back of my hand before driving away.

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