❦ T E N ❦

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I know I was wrong to lie but seeing how bad I hurt her, I just couldn't tell her the truth yet, but I know I have to soon. She was sleeping so peacefully in my arms, I wish we could stay like this forever and forget about what's going on, on the outside but that's not the case. It was late in the afternoon when she woke and I just stared at her lovingly while she opened her eyes, blinking a couple of times to adjust to the light.

"I thought you would have went to work." She said as she yawned.

"I wanted to stay here with you." I smiled at her. "Let me take you out."

"What?" She asked still half asleep.

"Let's go out to dinner tonight, since we haven't really done that yet."

"Is this your way on buttering me up to forget about that thing on your neck." She lightly chuckled.

"No, but I really am sorry, and I'm an idiot for walking out on an argument, it's just I really care about and I don't want anything to happen to you."

"I'm going to be fine with you by my side, I would to go out with you tonight." She kissed me softly before sitting up to go to the bathroom. I let out a heavy sigh before getting up myself. Then I made the decision to join her in the shower.


— 3 weeks later

Everything has been okay for the most part. Jin has been taking more free time so he can come home early and take me out and do other cliché stuff they do in the movies, but I don't mind if means I got to spend more time with him. I was sleeping peacefully until Kate came to wake me up.


"Yes?" I said in an raspy voice.

"Someone by the name of Yeri is here, asking for Master and I told her he's gone but she won't leave."

"Okay.. um thank you." I got up and did my morning routine, then went downstairs to see what the hell she wanted. "Why are you here?"

"I'm here to see Jinnie."

"You can't call him that anymore and you knows he's at work so what are you really doing here."

"I'm waiting for him so I can tell him the results."

"What results?"

"Oh you don't know? I'm pregnant." She said in a giddy voice.

"Okay and...."

"He didn't tell you? It's his, three weeks to be exact." What!? My heart was crushed as she smirked at me. "What's wrong maid? You didn't actually think my Jinnie would love you did you? He's mine and now we we'll have a family together and you'll go back to being my maid."

"You're lying."

"Then why did he propose to me?" She showed me a diamond ring on her finger but I couldn't just believe what this girl says.

"Okay I don't care what he did or what you guys did together but you need to get the hell out." I spat.

"Make me." I was about to charge at her, forgetting the fact that something is growing inside of me.

"Nina, no your baby!" She held me back.

"No this bi-

"Jinnie!" Just then Jin walked through the door. His eyes were widened, probably the biggest I seen them as he turned pale.

"Kim SeokJin! Perfect timing!" I said sarcastically. "What is this girl talking about!?"

"W-what do you m-mean?" He stuttered.

"She's supposed to be pregnant with your child!?" I snarled.

"She's lying." He chuckled nervously.

"I guess I had sex by myself them, or no it was you who came to my apartment after leaving ___ Bar a few weeks ago."

"That's the gi- you slept wi- I couldn't even make full sentences, my head was throbbing.

"Nina- he tried to reach for me.

"Don't- just don't." I turned around to go upstairs.

"Yeah go pack it up maid!" She yelled after me. I just kept walking upstairs because my heart was already broken, no need to look at them anymore. I text Vanessa to come pick me up while I sat in the closet sobbing.


"What the hell is wrong with you?"

"What the hell is wrong with you? Choosing that maid over me!?" She spat.

"She's not my maid! She's the girl I love and you just want attention and money but you can't find it here, you're probably not even pregnant."

"I had a feeling you would say that so that's why I took the initiative to go to the hospital and get this." She handed me some papers and they were legit.

"Doesn't mean that it's mine." I said coldly.

"Seriously Jinnie, I got to say that I'm hurt."

"Yeri- Get out." I was infuriated.

"I'll go now, but I'll be back soon babe." She smirked and left my presence. I rubbed my face out of frustration. I was about to slam the front door shut but I seen a car outside. I ran upstairs to Nina and seen her packing clothes into a bag. I tried to stop her but she pushed me back.

"Move." She said sternly.

"Nina no, you can't go." I cried.

"Watch me." She got up and brought the duffel bag out of the closet and put it on the bed, as she started to get stuff from the bathroom and dressers. Every piece she put in I took out. "Stop Jin!" She yelled.

"No!" I yelled back. She threw the stuff in the bag then rubbed her fingers through her hair.

"God I'm so stupid. I knew we couldn't work but I fell for you anyways. And for what!? For you to cheat on me and break my heart!?"

"It's not like that!"

"Then what!?" She yelled. My heart was breaking for her. I don't deserve her but I need her. I just remained silent as tears came from my eyes. But then again, I need to tell her the truth.

"I... I went to the bar-

"Yeah, yeah and got really drunk I know that." She cut me off, furiously.

"I was just a little tipsy before Yeri showed up... I only remember drinking one glass. When I got ready to leave I was really wobbly and then nothing." When I woke up the next morning I was naked and so was she. I hurriedly jumped out the bed because I didn't remember anything from the night before. She claimed we had sex but I don't remember and I rushed home to you."

"And you didn't tell me when it happened.. instead you lied to me. You rushed home.. and had sex with me.. after you slept with her. I can't trust you." And that's when my heart shattered.

"Please, I love you and I can't live without you."

"I think we need some time apart, I just..." I chuckled sadly. "I need to go Jin." She finished packing her bag and went out the door. I fell to my knees and started to sob. I'm so fucking stupid, how could I do this to her.


"I hope your little plan works."

"You see her leaving with a bag, it's going to work."

"Hopefully before he finds out that's my baby you're carrying."

"Don't worry babe, everything will go as plan and we'll have more because of the baby, we'll be millionaires." I giggled and kissed him. I sat back in my seat as he started the car and drove off.

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