❦ T W E N T Y F I V E ❦

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"Kate? W-what are you doing here?"

"I-I'm here to pick up my nephew, Jin."

"He's your nephew!?" He basically yelled. "You're-

"Just in time." I cut him off. "I was about to make dinner, if you want to stay over."

"U-uh no we should get going. Thanks for the offering though." I smiled politely as I nudged Jin to go get little Jin. He nodded his head before disappearing upstairs to retrieve him.

"So, how are you Kate?" I asked her.

"I'm fine."

"That's good. How's your grandmother?"

"She's doing the best that she can right now." She politely smiled.

"Well if you need anything, you can always let me know." She nodded her head as her gaze fell upon something else, little Jin running down the stairs with his backpack. Before they could disappear through the door I stopped her.

"Uh, before you go, Jin and I talked it over and we decided one week with no pay?"

"Say what?" Jin interrupted.

"Really?" Kate's eyes widen.


"Yes." I elbowed Jin. "Jin was upset with me and had no right taking it out on you. You're a hard worker and great friend. So if you still want your job..."

"Of course. Thanks!" She smiled and hugged me whilst I hugged back and smiled at Jin.

"Have a good evening Kate, bye Jin." He hugged my leg before leaving with Kate. Once the door was closed and I locked it, Jin wasted no time questioning me.

"Why did you do that? She's fired and I meant that."

"Don't you trust me?"

"What are you up to?" He crossed his arms over his chest.

"When she took Jolie, who did Jolie say she was with? SeokJin, SeokJin's mommy and ..."


"I bet you she's the one working with Yeri, why I don't know."

"Maybe because she's her sister, did you hear what she called Jin." He said in a duh tone.

"Babe, I think we would have known that before you hired her. And when Yeri came here to tell me she "slept with you" Kate had no idea who she was." I reminded him.

"So you think she's lying?"

"With all my heart." He sighed.

"Alright, I hope you're right about this, I'll hire some of Jungkook's private investigators."

"MOMMY NAP TIME." She yelled from upstairs. I peck Jin's lips and rushed upstairs to my tired baby.


"They know."

"I know, I was watching."

"Now is the time to take Jolie. We need to act now!" I exclaimed.

"Yeri, shut up." I was taken aback by his tone but kept my mouth close. "First, we take care of the thing in her belly, then we make our move, so congratulations, you get to push her again." I smirked widely.




"Is she asleep?" He asked.

"Sound asleep." I crawled on the bed, onto Jin's lap.

"Dinner was amazing." He cooed.

"Why thank you, told you I could cook, sometimes." I giggled while running my fingers through his hair.

"I have a taste for desert now."

"Yeah?" I kissed him passionately, our tongues fighting against eachother. His hand slipped under my gown, pulling it above my head. "I love you." I moaned out.

"I love you too, so much." Just as things were about to get hot and heavy his phone ringed. He groaned while picking it up and locking it. He preceded to kiss down my neck until my phone ringed. At this point I'm frustrated so I grabbed my phone and furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"Dad-in-law." I showed him. He gestured for me to answer so I did, sitting topless on his lap. "Hello?"

"Sorry to disturb you but is Jin around?"

"Y-yeah, is everything alright?" I asked.

"There has been a disturbance at HQ and I need him here as soon as possible."

"Okay." He hung up so I removed the phone from my ear. "Something's wrong at the headquarters, your dad needs you there ASAP." He sighs while shifting under me.

"When I come back, we're finishing what we started." He growls.

"Okay, Master." I pulled him into another needy kiss before letting him go. He quickly throws on a white tee and hoody before disappearing out our bedroom door.

I take a moment and lay back, fantasizing about what could of been if we weren't disappear. While in deep thought I heard something break and I instantly jumped up.

"Jin?" I called out, but didn't get a response. I got out of bed, putting a shirt on and looked down the hall to look at Jolie's room. I crept towards it and seen her sound asleep. Another sound rung in my ears and I closed the door quickly.

For some reason the house was dark and my nerves were everywhere. My heart was thumping inside of my chest and I was praying the whole way down the stairs that this was some kind of joke from Jin. I made my way to the kitchen, flipping the light switch on and find it empty. I sighed deeply while laughing at myself.


"JOLIE!" I yelled after hearing her screams.


I pulled up to the building and the windows have been busted completely. I walked in passing the officers and guards, heading towards my office on the thirtieth floor. My heart is racing and I don't know what to expect. About two minutes later the doors opens and the reception desk is trashed.

"What the hell?" My dad turns around and walks towards me. "What happened?"

"If I didn't know any better I'd say you have an enemy or a crazy ex." My eyes widen at him as I pushed past him going in my office.

For starters my glass doors are shattered, so I walked through the frame. My glass desk is shattered and the legs are scrabbled across the floor. My chair is dismantled, the extra chairs are scattered on opposite sides of the room. My couches are destroy, looks as though they were stabbed multiple times and the cushions are thrown over the place. Last but not least my new desktop looked as though someone stepped on it or punched it. The officers are dusting and cleaning things for fingerprints.

"You find whoever did this and don't stop!" I spat at the officers before exiting. Money isn't an issue but out of this whole building, my area is the only one ruined and it's no telling if they'll do it again.

"Sir!" I turned around and spotted another officer. "We found this note, do you think this is the person who did this."

Be safe at work! Xoxo Nina —

"Impossible!" I balled the note and rushed downstairs because I couldn't wait for the elevator. I heard my dad call my name but I couldn't stay any longer. I had to get home.

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