❦ E L E V E N ❦

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I decided to go to Vanessa's house because my dad's house is the first place he'll look. I needed some time to think, clear my head. I couldn't stop crying, I didn't want to believe this. Maybe she did something to him... but it wouldn't have happened if he didn't leave. I don't even want to think about this. I just want to sleep this bad nightmare away. I was sitting in the guest bedroom when Vanessa came in.

"Knock, knock." She said while opening the door. I didn't bother wiping away my tears when they were going to come back.

"Come in." I said my voice barely audible.

"Are you okay...?"


"Want to talk about it?"

"Not really." I shrugged.

"Okay... well I was about to go out and get some ice cream if you wanted to ride along." She offered.

"I'm fine..." I sadly smiled.

"Do you need anything?" I was about to nod my head but then I thought about my car.

"Actually can you take me to my dad's house. My car and keys are still over there and I haven't really checked on him since the week after his surgery."

"Yeah sure, let's go." We headed out the door and straight to my dad's house. I opened the door and it was really quiet. The home nurse came out the kitchen to greet me.

"Hi Ms. Choi."

"Hi, where's my father?" I asked her.

"In his room, sleeping.. every since the procedure, he's been sleeping a lot."

"Well do you know why?"

"Well he flat lined during the procedure and they revived him so maybe that's why, I'm not 100% sure."

"He flatlined!? He didn't tell me that..." my heart clenched inside of my chest. He said everything went great.

"Well I guess I said to much... please don't tell him that I told you... he didn't want to worry you.." she said timidly.

"Don't worry nurse, you're fine." I went inside of his room to see him sleeping peacefully. Wow, he's smaller than he was before the surgery. I hope nothing major is going on... I really hope he pulls through, I'm not ready to lose him too. I kissed his forehead before going to my old room. So many memories in here, thinking about when my mom was here, all our talks, all our fights.

I went into my jewelry box and picked up my keys. After a while I finally left, heading back to Vanessa's. Once I got inside, I went straight to the room and plopped down on the bed to go to sleep. The next couples of days I've been sleeping a lot not wanting to leave the house which is crazy because that's all I wanted to do.

It was time for me to go to the hospital for my check up so I did my morning routine and wore a white t-shirt with ripped jeans. I made breakfast for me and Vanessa who was still sleep and left the house, leaving her a note. About fifteen minutes later, I arrived, walking through the automatic doors, making my way to the front desk.

"I'm here to see Dr. Many for a check-up."

"You can go to the waiting room, the doctor will be ready in about 20 minutes." I did as she said as waiting. As I sat in the chair I leaned back again the window, letting out a deep sigh. 20 minutes passed and it was time for me to go back.

"So how is everything going?"

"Fine for the most part." I smiled. She smiled back while looking through so papers. Just then Jin walked through the door... I didn't even know, he knew when my appointments was.

"I hope I'm not late."

"I was just about to start, are you the father?" She asked him as he walked to the bed.

"Unfortunately." I said while not meeting his eyes. I couldn't even look at him right now, I'm so hurt by this whole ordeal.

"Okay, lay back for me and lift up your shirt." I did as she said, as her and Jin's eyes widen.

"What?" I asked nervously.

"You're started to show." I let out sigh of relief because I was really nervous for a second there. She chuckled at me and started to put the gel on my abdomen as she grabbed the transducer. She placed it on my belly as we all watched the monitor.

"Happy 3 months mommy... and there goes the heartbeat." I tried to hold back my tears of joy but that didn't work. I'm so happy to be pregnant but I hate the circumstances. She turned everything off and cleaned the transducer.

"Dad can you wipe off the gel." She handed him a few napkins and he wiped my belly clean whilst I tried to avoid contact with him. I pulled down my shirt and sat up. "Next month you find out the gender."

"I can't wait." I smiled.

"I'll be right back with your ultrasound and paperwork." I nodded and she left. It was a very awkward silence between us until he spoke.

"I miss you." I didn't say anything, my head just hung low as he placed his hands on mine. "I wish you would come home."

"I can't ..." I whispered.

"Nina, I'm so sorry." I looked up at him and saw a thick tear escaped his eye, making me want to cry to.

"Jin..." I softly spoke, trying not to cry.

"Please I'll do anything." He begged.


"You name it." He said eagerly.

"Give me this time apart, to sort things out and clearly my head." He sighed in sadness. "You possibly have 2 children on the way by two different people. By the girl who made my life hell while working for you, a girl you cheated on technically with me. That's not something I can just forget about..."


"Please... just please don't make this harder than it has to be." I stared at him, and the contact was intense.

"Here you are!" She walked back in and I broke eye contact with him. I grabbed the paperwork and stood up. "6 more months."

"Hopefully they fly by fast."

"See you next month!" I smiled and left the room. As I was walking to the car, Jin stopped me.

"NINA" I sighed before turning around.

"What is i- mmm..." he kissed me while holding my waist firmly. The kiss was so emotional, I don't even know why I kissed back but I did, moving our lips perfectly in sync. I pulled away and stared at him.

"I won't give up." He pecked my lips before walking away. I was standing there, paralyzed, trying to gather my thoughts before getting in my car. What the hell did I just do!?

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