❦ T H I R T Y F I V E ❦

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Stay with me baby. You're okay. I love you. I opened my eyes and closed them quickly, the bright lights blinding me. I groaned, realizing my throat was dry and scratchy.

Where the hell am I? I feel around my body and fell the body warm of another. I make the decision to open my eyes and see my baby girl's silky black hair.

"Jolie." I whimpered. When she didn't answered I assumed she was sleep so I silently cried while caressing her hair.

I looked down and noticed and IV needle in my hand so I must be in the hospital. Oh God, I hope my baby's okay. A door opened so I glanced up to see Jin coming from the bathroom.

"Why am I here, what's happened?" He sighed while taking his seat by the bed.

"You've been through a lot these past few days, too much for the baby-

"Please.. please don't tell me I lost another baby." I pleaded, trying to hold back my sobs.

"No, the doctor said that you're a strong woman and so is the baby, but you'll have to stay here for a while, any trauma or stress and our baby might not make it." I sighed out of relief while laying my head back.

"He's been through so much in these two and a half months." I sadly chuckled.

"Nina... why didn't you tell me about Dyron-

"No... not here... not now." I cut him off, not wanting to dive into that right now. He nodded, standing up to kiss my forehead.

[two weeks later]

Being back home is strange, especially with all that has happened and me being in the hospital for two weeks. Sadly we couldn't really celebrate Jolie's birthday how I wanted to but she said it's fine, as long as she gets to be with me again. That made my heart melt, I love my baby girl so much.

Jin is at the trial for Yeri but I wanted to stay home with Jolie, Reagan is accompanying him though. I was at my vanity with Jolie, both of us brushing our hair.


"Yeah?" I looked down at her.

"What's going to happen to Jin?" I sighed.

"I don't know sweetheart." I stopped brushing and place my brush down.

"Are you okay?"

"I am, come here." I opened my arms as she got up to hug me. "I love you so much." I mumbled.

"I love you too."

"I love both of you." I turned and seen Jin standing at the door.

"Daddy!" She exclaimed, running to him. He picked her up and carried her towards me.

"How was the trial?" I asked, running my fingers through my hair.

"Why don't I put Jolie to sleep and we can talk about it."

"But I'm not tired." She pouted.

"It's past your bedtime baby." I stood up, pecking his lips before he left the room. I went to the bathroom to run a warm bubble bath, because nothing does me justice like it. The steaming water, relaxing my muscles. As I slipped out of my clothes, sinking underneath the water Jin walked in.

"Can I join?"

"Sure." He undressed and slid in the tub behind me. I rested my head on his chest as he wrapped his arms securely around my body. It was silent for a while until he broke it.

"So Yeri, was sentence to 23 years in prison for two counts of premeditated murder, plus therapy for ten while she's in.


"Sehun and our babyboy." He rubbed my small baby bump as I nodded. "She wants to see you tomorrow before she gets transferred to another facility with the doctors that can help her."


"She wouldn't say." I remained silent caressing his hand with my fingers. The water started to turn cold so we got out, showered and get dressed for bed. I was laying silently on his chest while staring out of the bedroom window.

"I didn't tell you about Dyron because that was a time in my life where I was weak, sick, where I felt worthless. I didn't want you to see me that way and I didn't want you to pity me."

"I would never see you as anything else but a strong, beautiful, independent-

"But I'm not.. independent-

"You are." I exhaled as a few tears fell. "You can handle anything life throws at you and every thing that happened last month, you survived it all of your own. I love you Nina, all of you, every flaw, every up, every down." I sniffled, nodding my head. He hugged me tightly as we laid there in silence until eventually I fell asleep.

[the next day]

After dropping Jolie at school, I went straight to the correctional facility.

"Any weapons? Sharp objects, electronic devices?" After emptying my pockets and putting my purse in the basket I answered.


"Right through this door, you have one hour." I nodded as the guard opened the door for me and closed it.

"I didn't think you would come." She smiled.

"Well I'm here, so what do you want?" I sat down in front of her.

"I'm going to be transferred to Goyang tomorrow and I wanted to ask a favor." I scoffed.

"A favor after all the shit you caused- she grabbed my hands pulling me to her.

"Jin... I want you to adopt him."


"Please, he's already comfortable around you guys, he loves Jolie and hopefully you'll bring him to see me from time to time."

"Yeri, I can't-

"Please, my family disowned me, I don't have anyone else, he'll be put in foster care and I might never see him again. I'm begging you, I don't trust him to be with anyone other than you and Jin, I promise this is not some ploy to get to Jin, this is my son's life, his future happiness. You told me to think about him and what would affect him, well I am.." I was silent, stunned taking in everything that she was saying.

"I don't know, I'll have to discuss this with Jin."

"I understand that, but please convince him." I look down at my hands that she was still holding as she pulled back.

"I'll think about it." I sighed while staring at the desperate woman in front of me. Later that day Jolie and I were shopping and just spending time together. When we got home, Jolie was out like a light.

"I'm home!" Jin yelled at the door.

"Kitchen!" I yelled back. He pecked my cheek as I chewed on my noodles. "Want some?" I asked.

"Nah, I'm fine. So how did the day go?" He opened the fridge getting a bottle of water.

"Um, okay... Yeri had some interesting things to say."

"Yeah, like what?" He twisted the cap.

"She wants me to adopt Jin." He paused looking very frazzled for a moment.

"She does?" I hummed while eating some more noodles. "What do you think about it?"

"I don't know that's why I'm telling you. I mean Jin and Jolie obviously have a connection you know and that is your little cousin." He sighed while nodding.

"Then lets adopt him."

"Wait seriously?" My eyes widened, I mean, I didn't know how to feel when she asked me but if this is a possibility I want to take it.

"Yeah, I mean he is family and every kid should have that opportunity to know their family. Some aren't as fortunate but he is."

"You're right, so let's do it." I smiled, before pecking his lips. The next day, we went to court and got the paper work done and Jin, officially began Jolie's brother. She was excited of course and we let him decorate his room anyway he wanted to but there was just one thing left.

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