❦ T W E N T Y E I G H T ❦

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"What the hell is that?" I asked.

"It appears to be a camera." Jin answered.

"But we have cameras, they aren't hidden in our damn smoke detector." I spat.

"Because someone is watching you." She said while analyzing it.

"You think that's how Yeri knew I was pregnant." I asked in disbelief.

"That's the only thing I could think of." Reagan jumped down, walking towards us with it in her hand. "Someone has been listening in on all our conversations.. it's no telling what they know now."

"Put it back."

"What?" She furrowed her eyebrows at me.

"Put it back." I repeated.


"Do you trust me?" I asked Jin. He sighed while nodding.

"Of course."

"Then put it back." I turned to Reagan. She nodded, heading towards where she got it from. "We need to get dress, let's go out to lunch-


"Please don't ask questions, we're wasting time." I brushed him off heading to my room to shower and dress in more appropriate clothes.


I opened my eyes looking around to find the clock on the wall that said it was a little after one. I was about to sit up but was pushed back down.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"I-I was about to watch the cameras it's passed one." I stuttered nervously. He hummed while getting up and walking out the door, I'm guessing downstairs to the monitors. I climbed out of bed, going to the bathroom and shower.

What happened last night was never supposed to. My image in the mirror was slightly disturbing. I had bruises and marks of all sorts all over my skin. The only thing that I could hope for is that this never happened again.

After the shower I dressed in jeans and sweatshirt, heading downstairs to the basement.

"Everything looks good, no ones home." Dyron sighed while standing up.

"Good." I nodded while looking down. I felt his presence right in front of me. He took my chin, lifting my head to face him.

"So you're shy now?" He smirked. I gulped hardly, praying for this conversation to be over. "It's time for you to go back and get your job."

"Okay," I nodded before attempting to turn away but he pulled me back. He head dipped to my neck, breathing in my scent.

"You smell so sweet, so tempting." I popped my knuckles while clenching and unclenches my fists. He scoffed before walking off and I could finally breathe. Never thought I'd say this but I hope Yeri hurries back.


Jin pulled out my chair for me and we sat down. I smiled at him while placing my purse on the back of my seat. We sat at a table that was in the far back, closed off, I guess perks of being a CEO.

"So why are we here, you haven't said anything on the way." I sighed putting my elbows on the table.

"Someone put a camera in that smoke detector, no one knew about my pregnancy except us three, someone has been watching us. Who knows how long? Yeri is behind this, I'm sure of it, but she isn't doing it alone."

"That's why Kate is hot on my radar." Jin implied.

"So what are you going to do now? You're whole house is possibly bugged." Reagan asked me.

"It's cliché but I think we need to split up." Jin answered her.

"What?" He turned to me.

"Obviously Yeri wants us to be apart—


"She has Jolie, Nina." I sighed in defeat, realizing where he was going with this. "Of course it's not going to be real but we have to make her believe that, maybe she'll stop trying to attack you and our unborn." He placed a hand on my flat stomach.

"Okay, okay, well stage some fight in the kitchen and in the meantime, Reagan, would you like a roommate?"


"They're fighting." I told Dryon. He got up from his chair to sit next to me as he turned up the volume.


"YOU'VE BEEN PUTTING ME DOWN FOR MONTHS EVERY SINCE YOUR FIRST MISCARRIAGE SO IF YOU WANT TO LEAVE GO AHEAD!" She slapped him before taking a bag out of the living room and leaving the house.

"Well they're separated, how am I going to get my job now?"

"My dear Kate, how do you think you're going to get it back." He placed his hand on my thigh rubbing it up and down.

"I'm going to sleep with him?" I shook my head in disbelief.

"No, stupid bitch." I turned around and seen Yeri walking towards us. "You two have been getting cozy." She grinned.

"W-where are the kids?"

"Sleeping, why? Want to have some fun while they're not around." She answered seductively.

"No." She's getting dangerously close to my face.

"What's wrong Katie, never had a threesome."

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