❦ T W E N T Y O N E ❦

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It was a Friday morning and I was on the way to Jolie's school. She was very excited for her trip to the zoo and I had to turn in the permission slip to the teacher. I parked in the visitors' parking spot and turned the car off.

"Ready hunny!" I exclaimed, excitedly. She was already happy. Big grin and feet wiggling happily. She unbuckled her seatbelt and jumped out the car seat and the car in a matter of five seconds.

"Come on mommy hurry!" She said while running up to the school.

"I'm coming baby, hold on!" I told her while walking a little faster. We went in the building, walking to her class and I took the initiative to get her permission slip out of her backpack.

"Hello Ms. Choi, here's the permission slip, sorry I couldn't be a parent volunteer this time but on the next trip I will."

"Thank you Y/n, besides we have a new parent that will be joining so all is well."

"Well I really wish I could stay here but I have to get going." I said to her then to Jolie. "Mommy loves you, be good okay?"

"Okay mommy." She kissed my cheek and I just smiled. I also bopped her nose before standing up and leaving, heading towards the door. I took one last glance and her before disappearing through the door.

"Sorry I took so long Mrs. Kim."

"That's fine doctor, I just really need to get the shot. I haven't had it since the miscarriage and I've been sexually active lately."

"That's why it took so long, you are pregnant my dear." She placed the papers in front of me and I just couldn't believe what she just said, it's not truth it can't be. I know I'm not that damn fertile!

"I'm sorry, what did you say?"

"Well when we took your blood, we discovered it."

"No, no, that's impos- flashes of three weeks ago in the shower with no protection and me not being on the shot. I sighed while putting my head in my hands.

"If we give you the shot, your embryo won't survive." She explained to me.

"I'm sorry doctor I have to go." I rushed out of the room and out of the hospital taking a deep breath. This can't be happening, I don't want to go through that pain again. I thought to myself before walking to my car and getting inside.

I texted Reagan and asked her to meet me at this café near the school since I have about an hour til Jolie gets back. Ten minutes later I arrived, seeing as though Reagan had already arrived.

"Hi! You're here!" I said while walking up to her and hugging her.

"Yeah I was passing by anyways so. How's Jolie and Jin?" She asked.

"They're good, it's just been a lot going on."

"Such as? I know it's been really hard from you every since you lost your baby."

"Yeah, well I'm pregnant.. it's an embryo."

"How do you—

"I went to the hospital to get on the shot, even though Jin disapproved of it... anyways, when the doctor took my blood as standard procedure, she told me. I have a week old embryo I'm guessing." I cut her off.

"That's exciting news!" She exclaimed.

"No it's not! It was hell for me, still is when I lost my son, I don't think I have the energy to go through that again." I sighed deeply while running my fingers through my hair.

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