❦ T W E N T Y F O U R ❦

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"Baby, who is SeokJin's mommy?"

"She said her name was a secret and that I should call her mommy."

"Well next time you see her, you tell her that your mommy said that you're not allowed to call her that okay?"

"Yes mommy. Can I have some juice now." Jin handed her, three little bottles of Hawaiian Punch as she ascended back up the stairs.

"That didn't sound shady at all." Reagan commented.

"I know. Who tells someone else's kid to call them mommy?" I said a little irritated. Jin was mighty quiet as Reagan and I continued to have our conversation.

"I wouldn't worry about or stress about it."

"You and Jin are just alike, I swear. I'm not going to get worked up or stress over this I promise." I sighed.

"Okay now let's talk about possible baby names." Reagan exclaimed.

"I'm literally four weeks." I chuckled.

"It doesn't hurt to be prepared." She rebutted. I shook my head while agreeing with her and going over possible girl and boy names.


Today was kind of tiring and all I want to do is get home to my girls. But one person is just swarming through my mind even though I don't want them to. I can't help but think Yeri is the mother of that kid SeokJin and she some how had something to do with Sehun's death.

If all of that's true, then she's even sicker than I thought. While rubbing my temples as leaning back in my chair, Jungkook walks in. Deep down in my heart I know he has some bad news. He took a seat while unbuttoning his jacket.

"I got swamped with work and couldn't stop by this morning but I did as you ask." He handed me the file. As I opened it he spoke. "That's Yeri and her son. I hacked into the schools' database. His name is Kim SeokJin, he's the same age as Jolie, turns four a month after her." I sighed while closing the folder. "So what are you going to do?"

"I want to pull Jolie out that school." I shook my head. "But Jolie loves it there and her and that kid, grown some kind of bond I don't know, she always talks about him at random times. But Yeri... I don't want her anywhere around my child."

"You might have to tell Nina about this. Remember secrets is what got you guys separated in the first place." I nodded my head.

"Yeah, you're right." I packed up my belongings and went straight home. The only problem was, Nina wasn't here.


I literally had to rush to the school because I was trying to register for school online. No I didn't tell Jin yet but what he don't know won't hurt him right now. I want to get my bachelors and hopefully Masters and a baby isn't going to slow that down.

If anything it'll just push me to work harder. But anyways I walked in the almost empty classroom and seen Jolie playing with I'm assuming her little friend SeokJin.

"Ms. Choi, thank you so much. And again I'm sorry for being late."

"That's okay Nina, at least you called."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Jin has been here for as long as Jolie and I haven't heard anything from his mom. I would take him home but I don't know how she would react to that, I tried calling and texting, no answer." I nodded my head in understanding. We both stared at the playing and laughing.

"Look at them, they're like conjoined at the hip during class."

"Why don't we wait here for a little longer and if his mom still don't show up, I can take him home with me. You can just give me his mom's number." She nodded while retreating to her desk for the information, whilst I continued to stare at the two cuties.

That 'little while' turned into almost an hour with three missed calls from Jin, even though I told him I was fine.

"This is ridiculous" I commented while standing up. "Jolie, get your things."

"Okay mommy." I walked up to SeokJin, squatting to his level.

"Hi SeokJin."

"You know my name?" He gazed at me.

"Yes I do, and Jolie talks about you all the time." He giggled.

"Mommy says that too, she says I talk about Jolie a lot, but it's natural since she's my sister." He smiled.

"Sister?" I furrowed my eyebrows at him.

"Yeah. She told me I would be reunited with my family soon."

"Who's your family?"

"Jolie and my dad." I cleared my throat, cause Jolie is saying one thing but he's saying another.

"Would you like to come home with us, just for a little while?" He smiled widely while nodding his head. "Can you go get your stuff?"

"Uh huh!" He hugged me which caught me off guard.

"You can call me Nina"

"You can call me Jin. It's short for well my name." He laughed before running off and getting his stuff. He was a sweet and charming little boy, I can see why Jolie likes him so much. He finished getting his stuff together and followed me and Jolie out.

"Bye Ms. Choi." Jolie chimed.

"Bye!" Jin added. Twenty minutes I arrived home only to be rushed by my Jin.

"I was worried about you, why didn't you call back?"

"I was stuck at the school, can we talk in the kitchen please." I said while pointing to little Jin with my eyes.

"Who's this?"

"My name's SeokJin, but you can say Jin. My mommy forgot to get me." Jin nodded his head knowing not to ask anymore questions right now.

"Why don't you and Jolie play in the play pen okay."

"Lets go!" Jolie exclaimed and there they were, running to a little kid's sanctuary. I turned to Jin before walking into the kitchen.

"I assume that's why you're so late."

"Yeah, I mean, who leaves their child at the school for over an hour, without calling! It makes me being 15 minutes late seem like I was on time." I said in irritation. "I mean seriously, what inconsiderate parent does that, wouldn't she realize her child not with her."


"What did you just say?" I paused.

"Yeri is his mother." I sighed.

"I know... I mean I figured. All that talk about wanting Jolie to call her mommy. Jin told me today that him and Jolie gets along so well because she's his sister and Yeri promised him they would be reunited with Jolie and their dad."

"Well that's impossible because Jolie is my child and Sehun is dead." My eyes widened.

"What?" I sighed while rubbing my eyes. "That's right because Jolie said his dad was gone like grandpa, my dad."

"I don't want her around Jolie."

"Neither do I. But-

"But what?"

"The kid, Jin. He's innocent." He sighed while nodding his head. It was silent for a while before a thought came to my head. "Do you think Yeri attacked me?"

"It crossed my mind just now. Why would you think that?"

"The attacker, push me down the stairs, knowing I was pregnant. Surely they knew it would kill my child, plus they didn't steal anything so it wasn't a robbery. She wants you Jin, and she doesn't want a child that isn't hers to get in the way of that."

"Then why is she after Jolie?" I sighed.

"I don't know.. you think she's working with someone."

"She's always working with someone."

"Sehun's dead... so who?" Just then the door bell ringed. Jin was first out the kitchen and I was quickly behind. Once we reached the door it was someone we didn't expect.

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