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Today was my day off and it was well needed after what happened yesterday. That Yeri makes my skin crawl. I was sitting in my backyard on the swing when I got a call from Jin. What could he possibly want today? I internally groaned.


"I need you to come over right now!"

"Is this work related?"

"Does it matter, you do what I say and get here now." He hung up the phone and I sighed heavily. I thought about changing into my uniform but I decided to go in what I was wearing. I arrived there twenty minutes later and rang the door bell. He let me in himself and I was confused. Where's the other maid...

"Come with me." He said coldy. I followed him to a bedroom downstairs and he opened the door and walked inside.

"Why are we in here if I may ask?" I questioned him.

"This is your new room."

"Excuse me?" I said in confusion.

"I fired the night maid so you'll be living here so you can be available at all times. You move in tomorrow."

"I'm sorry but I can't do that, my father needs me." I protested.

"I can hire someone to take care of him."

"That's not necessary cause I'm not living here." I turned around to leave until he spoke again.

"You father's surgery is 200 grand right? And you only make 50 grand a year, so which one you think is more important. Living here keeping your job, paying for his surgery, or taking care of him, broke, until he's no more." This mother—

"Why are you doing this?"

"To teach you a lesson about disrespecting me babygirl. You thought I was going to let you get away with rolling your eyes at me huh?" I didn't say anything, I just tried to contain my anger. "I expect you to be ready when the car picks you up tomorrow."

"But I have my own car."

"You won't need it anymore, if you wish to leave the house then you have to go through me." I didn't talk back, because that's what got me in this predicament. "Do you understand?"

"Yes." I answered coldly, glaring at him. If looks could kill he would be done.

"Yes what?"

"Yes Master."

"That is all. You can go now." I didn't say anything I just left and went home to my father. I explained everything to him and even cried while speaking. He comforted me telling me everything is going to be okay, in a little over three years I'll be back home with him. I decided to sleep the rest of the day away.

I woke up late the next day. It was unintentional but I didn't care. I did my morning routine and started to pack my stuff up. The car was here but I wasn't done, and I didn't rush myself either. There was a knock on the door and my father answered it.

"Nina, It's Mr. Kim." I turned towards the door and seen him standing at the door.

"Leave us." He commanded. My dad bowed and left us. He walked towards me with his hands in his pockets. "What is taking so long?"

"I overslept." I said quietly. I continued to do what I was doing. I felt his stare on me the whole time but I ignored it. After about another thirty minutes I was done. I got my suitcase and he followed me out. I kissed my father goodbye and left.

The ride to his mansion was quiet, I didn't dare speak because I was fuming with angry because this was happening, I was furious. I didn't want to leave my father, but this is the only way to save his life. When we arrived, I was going to grab my suitcase but the driver grabbed it instead.

"It's okay I got it." I said.

"Let him do his job and you do yours." I sighed and walked away, which probably was a bad idea but I didn't care at the moment.

It has been almost two weeks since I moved in and it's been hell. He always call me for unnecessary things, I've never met someone so needy and exasperating. When he was at work that was the best part of my day. Today Yeri went out of the country for a couples weeks and I couldn't be more relieved that one of the devils were leaving. But I fear that the other one will be more clingy than before.

It was night time and I had just took a shower and got ready for bed. I look at the clock that read 11:37pm and I laid down. An hour had pass and I was just laying there with my eyes closed, unable to fall asleep and then I heard the door open. I didn't dare to turn around and look but soon enough I felt the bed sink in behind me. It was Jin, I know it was. I could smell his scent, his sweet smelling cologne that was engraved on him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I couldn't help but speak.

"What are you doing?" I asked, my voice coming out less stern and more of a whisper.

"I'm going to sleep." He spoke more sternly.

"Don't you have a room?"

"Yes, but I want to sleep with you." He snuggled his head in my hair.

"I don't think that's a good idea."

"Why? Can't control yourself." I could sense his smirk behind my back.

"Y-yes I can." I stuttered nervously.

"Okay then." He tightened his grip and placed butterfly kisses on my shoulder.

"Master, you have a girlfriend."

"Doesn't mean anything to her, but you knew that already didn't you." He whispered against my ear. He turned me over to face him. "You think I don't know about her cheating. I'm not stupid Nina. Now no more back talk, go to sleep." I didn't say anything, I just laid there until staring at his face but eventually I went to sleep.

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