❦ E I G H T ❦

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I called Vanessa so we come have some girls time whilst telling her about my pregnancy. I needed to get out the house, from being held in all week and Jin always working. We were at the mall looking at baby clothes and things.

"Okay so why are we here in the baby department?" She asked.

"I may be expecting a baby soon." I responded.

"OMG really! I knew it had to be something, you gained weight and you're glowing and oh my goodness I'm going to be an auntie!!!" She babbled.

"Vanessa! Calm down!" I laughed at her. "It's still kind of early so I'm only telling you because you're my best friend."

"Okay okay." She calmed down but I could tell she still wanted to burst into excitement. I chuckled at her as we continued to walk through mall, shopping and enjoying each other's company.


When I came home I was looking for Nina, but she wasn't here. Where could she have gone without telling me.

"Kate? Where's Nina?"

"A car came and picked her up about three hours ago Master." I nodded my head and grabbed my car keys to go look for her. I went to her father's house and she wasn't there, I drove around the streets looking in the shops through the window and I still didn't see her so I tried her phone again and it went to voicemail again.

I was getting really frustrated and upset so I went back home to try to cool off. Once I arrived she still wasn't there and it was almost eight at night like what the hell! I went to my room to get out this suit. As I was putting on my shirt I heard the front door open. It was her, coming in with a few bags.

"Where were you?"

"I was with Vanessa and-

"Without telling me?" Her aurora changed from excitement to confusion.

"You were working I-I didn't think you would mind." She slightly stuttered.

"Of course I mind, you need to tell me whenever you decide to leave this house!" I spat.

"Okay relax Jin."



"YES IT IS YOU DON'T THINK!!" I slammed my hand on the kitchen counter causing her to flinch. My temper was getting the best of me and I wasn't thinking clearly when I got my car keys and stormed out the house.

"JIN!" I heard her yell after me but I didn't stop. I got in the car and drove to the nearest bar.

"A shot of tequila... you know what make it a glass." I showed my I.D. and stuffed it back in my pocket. I sighed in frustration while rubbing my temples. I taking a sip of my drink and then I started to think on what just happened. Maybe I was to hard on her she doesn't deserve that.

Bartender's POV

I was pouring the man glass up to the brim as he requested. He was the only one here because it was a slow night. But then this woman walked in and sat right beside him.

"Rough night?" She asked. "The maid can't satisfy you."

"What do you want Yeri?" He called her in annoyance.

"I miss you, I miss us." She pleaded to him.

"You wasn't thinking about that when you were sleeping with my cousin." He spat.

"Jin that was a mistake."

"Yeri, I might be tipsy but I'm not stupid, get the hell out of my face." He said in a calm but demanding voice.

"Is that what you really want?"

"YES!" He snapped.

"Okay." She stood up to leave but not before she slipped something into his drink while his head was down. As soon as the bell of the door ringed he gulped down the rest of the drink and slammed it down on the counter.

"Check please!"

"Don't worry about it, be safe." He stood up and started to wobble a bit, I don't know how but he made his way out the door and I never saw him again.


After roofing him I watched him struggle to get to his car. I went up to him.

"Let me help you Jinnie."

"I don'T neEd heLp!!" He spat.

"Yes you do." I slipped his keys out his hand and helped him in the car, then I drove to my apartment. When we got there he was stumbling all over the place. I brought him to my bedroom where he collapsed on the bed.

"Why iS this Bed sO haRd!?" He shouted. He passed out almost immediately and I straddled his lap.

"So you'll be mine again Jinnie." HI undressed him and undressed myself. We were both completely naked and then I got under the covers with him since he won't remember any of this.

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