❦ T H I R T Y T W O ❦

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"You're so beautiful." I slowly opened my eyes looking around the room. Once they landed on Dyron, I wanted to punch him square in the face.

"Where am I?" I growled.

"Why home of course." He smiled down upon me, a lifetime ago I would found it endearing and now I'm just disgusted. "You have no idea how much I missed you." He caressed my face making me flinch. His hands traveled down my body stopping at my stomach giving it a gentle squeeze.

"No!" I barked. He smirked while lifting my shirt up. "Dyron, please no."

"I was in jail for six years, until someone bailed me out, and I thought, what kind of person would pay $894,000 to bail me out. Am I crazy for thinking it was you?"

"Deranged." I answered bitterly.

"Anyways, I later found out it was Yeri, somehow she know about our past and wanted me to help her get the love of her life back. I wondered why would she need my help, then she mentioned you and I thought you know, maybe that's fate trying to bring us back together."

"That's not fate, that's two psychopaths that can't take a hint- the taste of iron invaded my mouth after he back handed me.


"I GAVE UP MINE BECAUSE OF YOU!" I shot back. "And then I met Jin, and he makes me so happy."

"You stole him." He spit.

"No, he came to me, willingly, I never made him do anything he didn't want to do, I didn't have to brainwashed him or drug him, he loved me and every flaw. I never had to change for him, he wanted me, just the way I was."

"But does he know about me your first love?" I swallowed thickly, my silence giving away my answer. He chuckled while rubbing his hands up and down my stomach. "You love me, Nina. You always will, I just have to remind you of that, starting with what Yeri should of  taken care of." He stood up, adding pressure to my stomach in the process.

"Stop!" I groaned. He kissed the corner of my mouth before leaving the room, leaving me in a crying mess.


"Her car is outside she couldn't have gone far." Jungkook said.

"That's because someone took her!" I yelled at him.

"Okay Jin calmed down, getting angry isn't going to fixed this." Reagan scolded.

"Reagan's right, you need to remain calm while we think of something." Namjoon added.

"What if Dyron took her?" Vanessa asked Reagan but now had all of our attention.


"Who's Dyron?" I cut Reagan off. Vanessa fiddled with her fingers while contemplating in her head. "Vanessa, your best friend is missing, Jolie's mother is missing, my wife is missing, please." I pleaded. She sighed.

"I'm not supposed to tell you this but Dyron is Nina's ex, her first love to be exact." I clenched my jaw while turning away. How could I not know this!?

"What does he have to do with this though?" Namjoon asked.

"She said she seen him, a few weeks ago and I seen him, this past week, before I came to see her at her home."

"You mean here?" He questioned.

"She stopped by Jin's earlier before that..." Reagan answered quietly.

"And I seen Yeri... half naked." She finished.

"Did you tell Nina?" Jungkook asked.

"Yes." I turned around.

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