❦ T H I R T Y T H R E E ❦

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I kept knocking repeatedly hoping the doctor would hurry up and answer the door. After a five minute wait the door swung open.

"Vanessa what's wrong?" Dr. Mynu asked.

"I know it's been about four years since I've been here but do you by any chance still have Nina's case files."

"I'm sorry Vanessa you know I can't give that information-

"I came to multiple appointments with her okay, this is important, she's missing!" She sighed while opening the door all the way letting me in. "Thank you." I said while walking through and following her to her office.

She started to pull out the archives folders sitting them down on the desk going through them. She pulled out the manila folder handing it to me. I unintentionally snatched it out her hand going through it.

"Do you know who took her?"

"No, I think it's Dyron, he's back." I said while scanning. "What's that you told me about her situation?" I paused trying to think.

"What do you mean?"

"You told me not to let her see him in prison because, she can easily back slide or something.."

"Right, because she's been so attached to him for a long time, it's not good for her to be isolated alone with him because she can easily backslide. She can say she doesn't love him but there will always but apart of her that does and she'll go back into her patterns of forgiving him and blaming herself-

"Oh my God." I ran my fingers through my hair. "Did she ever talk about future plans with him, like where there future house or something?"

"She did. She talked about them staying far out from the city, enjoying the nature with just the two of them."

"Any specific place?"

"He was having a cabin built about an hour and a half anyway from the city, Oakswood."

"I remember her saying something about that... okay thank you." I handed her the folder before rushing back to Reagan's.


"YERI!" I yelled while storming in the house.

"Daddy!" Jolie ran to me while crying. I kneeled down to her level.

"What's wrong baby?"

"She hit me cause I wouldn't stop asking about mommy." She sobbed while burying herself into her embrace. I was fuming right about now.

"Go in your room and close the door." After she did that I went to my room while seeing her laying on MY bed with little Jin. I picked him up taking him to Jolie's room locking the door behind me.

"I'm going to ask you one time." I said while slamming the door. "Where the fuck is Nina?"

"Hopefully dead." I was about to storm towards her when she pulled a gun out on me. "Come on Jinnie be smart." She smirked.

"No, you be smart, I would die to protect Nina, I will always love Nina. We have an amazing daughter together, Jolie, and another child on the way." With every word I walked closer to her and the barrel.

"I would die to protect my family, so kill me, but just remember, when I die, everything; all of my assets, all of my money, this house, my cars, my business, the vacation houses, they'll all go to Nina and Jolie. So go ahead." I was staring down at her, my jaw clenching and unclenching.

"Jin!" I turned around to see Vanessa. "I found her." I rushed to Jolie's room knocking on the door.

"Jin no! Don't leave me!" I yanked my arm away picking up Jolie as she opened the door.

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