❦ T W E N T Y T H R E E ❦

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"Okay ma'am we need you to calm down."


"What my wife is trying to say is, if our daughter isn't returned back to us, hell will be unleashed on earth, find her, I don't care how long it takes." They nodded their head in unison and left the house, Namjoon and Jungkook staying behind. Tears were just flowing from my eyes as I started to sob.

"I just want my baby back." I cried into his arms.

"I know baby." I could feel it in his chest that he was holding back sobs. He wanted to be strong for me. "Let's go-

"Don't tell me to lie down Jin."

"I was going to say let's go sit down okay. I don't want you to stress yourself."

"Are you serious!? Jolie is gone and you're worrying about an unborn fetus-

"Nina." I took a deep breath, biting back every curse word, and following him to the living room. We sat down in the love seat as Namjoon and Jungkook sat on the couch. I rested my head on Jin's shoulders as they started to have a conversation.

"Where's Reagan?"

"I let her go a month after Nina and I got married, and she'll never put my child at risk, I trust her.

"Didn't you hire a new maid after Nina."

"Yeah Kate but I don't really conversate with her a lot."

"I don't think she would do this, besides she's leave town tonight if isn't already- we heard the front door click, indicating someone unlocked it but only one other person besides Jin and I have the keys.

"Mommy!" I jumped out the seat and embrace Jolie tightly, she's probably suffocating with my bear hug so I pulled away and cupped her face.

"Where were you? Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

"I'm okay, I went to get ice cream with Kate."

"Kate you do not take my child out of this house without telling me first do you understand me?"

"W-well you guys were arguing a-and-

"I don't give a damn! DO NOT TAKE MY CHILD OUT OF THIS HOUSE, ESPECIALLY AT 10pm AND NOT INFORMING ME OF WHERE YOU WERE! Do you know how worried Nina was!?"

"I-I'm sorry."

"You're damn straight! You're fired, since you want to take my child for two hours."


"You're not going to change my mind Nina!" He picked up Jolie and started walking upstairs.

"We'll come back tomorrow." I nodded at Jungkook as they left. I looked at Kate as she held her head down.

"You scared the hell out of me."

"I-I know and I'm sorry, that was never my intention, I just wanted to give her happy thoughts when she heard you guys, arguing." I sighed while rolling my eyes.

"You scared the hell out of me, but I don't think you deserve to get fired. I mean she isn't hurt or crying. I'll talk to Jin but never do that again, do you understand?"

"Yes ma'am." She nodded.

"Give me the house key for the time being and go home, you have to be on the road." She bowed, handing me the house key before leaving the house immediately.

I sighed while walking back upstairs into Jolie's room. She was sitting on the bed talking to Jin when I took a seat next to them.

"I'm sorry for upsetting you mommy."

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