❦ T W E N T Y T W O ❦

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I woke up, looking out the windows and notice the sky was pitch dark. I leaned over, to grab my phone but grabbed Jin's instead, when I seen the picture of us and Jolie and my baby bump when we found out the gender.

I smiled to myself, wanting to get emotional but for the first time in a while I didn't, was it because of the baby growing inside of me, or because of the time period since I lost him.

Anyways I saw that it was past 3 in the morning so I got up to get something to drink before heading back to bed. I sighed heavily as I placed the glass back down on the counter. All I could think about was what am I going to do.

Was Reagan right? Do I want to risk the heartbreak of losing another child? My mind was running rapidly as chin rested on my shoulder.

"What are you thinking about?"

"Nothing." I shrugged while drinking some more water.

"Now why don't I believe you?" He said as I turned around.

"I don't know." I shrugged again. He hummed while pressing our bodies together. "Jin, Jolie is asleep, upstairs."

"I'll stop if you tell me the real problem." He mumbled against my lips. I remained silent, biting my lip. "Is it about the baby you're attempting to hide from me?" My head snapped up at him.

"How did you know about that?" He sighed.

"Reagan called me today." I scoffed.

"Of course she did." I mumbled while rolling my eyes.

"Why do want to give up?"

"I'm not having this conversation right now." I tried to walk away but he grabbed my arm.

"Why are you shutting me out?"

"I'm not shutting you out-

"You are, Nina." I sighed while dropping my head.

"I'm tired Jin, let's talk about this in the morning please." Jin sighed and pecked my lips.

"Okay... let's go back to bed." I nodded while he took my hand, guiding me upstairs. We laid back under the covers, sandwiching Jolie, but for the rest of the night I slept okay for the most, part. I hate that Reagan told Jin about the baby, now I have to worry about him trying to convince that I should keep the baby.

The next morning was just like any other. I was currently getting Jolie ready for school while Jin was getting ready for work. I woke up kind of late so Jin made breakfast which I'll eat after they leave. As I was tying the last bow around her ponytail I kissed her forehead.

"Remember mommy loves you and have a great day at school okay."

"Okay mommy. I love you."

"I love mommy too." I turned around and seen him walking in the room. Jolie hopes on the bed and ran to him, embracing his legs.

"I love you too. Have a good day at work, and come home to me safely okay."

"Okay." He pecked my lips as I walk them both to the front door. "Anything happens you call me okay, I don't care what time of the day it is, don't forget to eat your breakfast that's in the oven-

"Okay love." He chuckled as snuck another kiss. "Bye Jin." I saw them out and sighed heavily when the car was out of sight. Right when I was about the go in the kitchen the door bell ringed. What could he have forgot? I opened the door and seen Kate.

"Kate what are you doing here, it's Friday."

"I know but I told Jin I won't be in Monday, I have to visit my sick grandmother so I was going to come in today."

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