❦ N I N E ❦

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I woke up and didn't know where the hell I was. I looked at my watch and it was 10:03am. I'm late for work and I'm not even at home. I tried to get up and that's when I realized someone's arm was around my waist. I looked over and it was Yeri.

"What the hell!?" I hurriedly and got out the bed. "Why am I naked? Why are you? Why the hell am I here!?" I yelled.

"You don't remember babe, last night was magical." I was getting furious because I couldn't remember what the hell had happened last night. I went to the bar and she showed up and blank.

"No, you're lying!!"

"I'm not. We came here last night and we had-


"We came together but you didn't use a condom and I'm not on the pill." She smirked. "So I guess we'll be expecting our little Jinnie sooner than you think."

"No that did not happen!" I quickly got dressed and looked for my keys. When I found them Yeri grabbed me.

"What's the rush?"

"Yeri I have never put my hands on a woman but if you don't let go I will hurt you!" I gritted through my teeth. She let go with a chuckled. I stormed out of the apartment and searched for my car. Once it came into view, I hopped inside and started the car. I pulled out my phone and there were 28 missed calls from Nina. SHIT SHIT SHIT!!! I hit the steering wheel, letting out my anger. My heart clenched inside of my chest as I drove home.


I was sitting on the couch because I could barely sleep last night, wondering where Jin is. Reagan rarely leaves the kitchen but she was sitting on the couch comforting me. Moments later Jin came through the front door and I just glared at him as he walked to the living room where Reagan and I was.

"I should get back to the kitchen." She stood up to leave but my eyes never left Jin.


"Where were you!?" I spat.

"I went to the bar and I got drunk so I just slept in the car." He said with his head down. I stood up in front of him.

"I don't care how mad you get, you never do that to me again! You get upset we talk about it as adults but don't you dare leave me worried like that again."

"Baby I'm sorry- he tried to reach for my arm but I pulled it away.

"Don't touch me." I seethed before going upstairs to our bedroom, leaving him in the living room. I was so worried last night and now that I know he's fine I'm furious. I sat down on the bed and turned on the tv. He came in the room, crawling in the bed beside.

"Baby please forgive me, I'm so sorry." He pleaded.

"I forgive you Jin, but I'm still upset." I answered.

"Let me make it up to you." He started to kiss my cheeks and all over my face.

"Jin" I whined trying to get away from him. He pulled me onto his lap, giving my neck wet kisses. I gave in and started to kiss him back. Soft moans escaped my lips as he sucked on my sweet spot. I went to return the favor when something disturbed me, stopping me in my tracks. "Jin." I spoke sternly.

"Hmm." He hummed in response. I grabbed his chin to turn his head.

"What's this?" I asked calmly.

"What's what!?"

"THIS ON YOUR NECK!" I harshly let go while climbing off of him. "Are you serious!?" He stood up and went to the mirror. When he saw the hickey on his neck he looked shocked himself. I just stood there with my arms folded.

"Nina, it's not what you think." He tried to explained.

"Really!? Cause I think you have a fat ass hickey on your neck!!" I yelled. "Where did you go last night?"

"I told you to the bar-

"And where else!?" I cut him off. He just sighed with his head down not saying a word. "So you have nothing to say?" He was still quiet. Tears started to well up in my eyes but I held them back. "I can't do this right now.." I went to my closet to pack some clothes and go back to my dad's when he stopped.

"Nina, no!" He said while getting in my way.

"Leave me alone Jin."

"Nina, please don't leave me!"

"Want to explain what happened to your neck!?" I shouted.

"It was a meaningless kiss." He quickly explained.

"That is not a kiss, that is a fucking mark made by a leech or something!!" I exclaimed.

"When I got drunk this random girl kissed me and things got out of control but I realized what I was doing I pushed her away and slept in my car okay, I promise. Nina, please I'm begging you, you are the only person I want! Please please don't leave!" He was holding me by his waist as tears came from his eyes. The tears I was trying to hold back were now streaming down my cheeks.

"How do I know the next time we get into a stupid little argument you won't walk out on me again!?"

"I won't I promise, Nina, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry." He was kissing me and I was trying not to give into him. I even tried to push him back but I didn't try hard enough as I was getting swept off my feet and walked back into the bedroom.

He placed me on the bed without breaking the kiss, it was so emotional as our salty tears got mixed in with our saliva. I put my hands on his chest to try to move away but he placed my hands above my head, interlacing our fingers.

"You can't leave me, you promised." He mumbled against my lips. "Our child."

"You wasn't thinking about that last night when you got that mark."

"I wasn't thinking at all, please!" I moaned in the kiss allowing him to insert his tongue. I finally kissed him back and I hated myself for giving into him that easy. He started to suck on my neck once more, leaving hickeys behind before coming back up to my lips.

While kissing me he started to unzip my jacket, exposing my midnight blue bra. When I wrapped my arms around his neck, his hand were massaging my breasts causing more moans to escaped but he swallowed them. Leaving my lips going straight to my breasts, pulling them out, sucking on them roughly. My fingers gripped his jet black hair as his moved inside of my sweatpants, massaging my clit.

"Jin..." I moaned out. He sat up and pulled them off, along with my panties, diving head first into my core. His warm tongue was swirling all around and inside of my wetness. I arched my back from the feeling. His hands reached up to my breasts as he was devouring me, every inch of my core. My mouth hung open as he began to suck hard on my clit. I sat up on my forearms just watching him but I couldn't focus for long as my head went back.

"Fuckkk...." I whispered. He started started to hum and I pressed my lips together as I felt my orgasm surging. Trembling as he thrusted his tongue in and out. I bit down onto my jacket while squealing as I came in his mouth and he slurped me up.

He crawled up to kiss me once again and my hands were cupping his face as my tongue played with his. I was in his trap once again, falling deeper every time. I was so into the kiss, the feeling of his soft lips that I didn't pay attention to when his clothes came off until he thrusted slowly and gently inside of me, his lips never leaving mine.

Even though he was being gentle the pleasure was still intoxicating. His hands on my waist while mine were wrapped around his neck. We were drowned in the euphoria until he picked up the pace a bit, resulting in both of our climaxes. He groaned in my mouth as my walls clenched, our cum mixing together.

We stayed in the same place for a bit, kissing and cockwarming. After a while he pulled out and laid on the side, pulling me close, like I was going to leave like I still wanted too. But I stayed because even though I was pissed, I trust him and trust him when he tells me he loves me and that he regrets his mistake but I'm not going to be so forgiving next time so he better fix himself and do right by me.

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