❦ T W E N T Y S E V E N ❦

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"Jin, usually I'd agree with you but Reagan? She's been a loyal friend for a long time, plus she despises Yeri. I doubt she'd help her."

"Look, I love Reagan but she's the only other person that knew." He implied.

"So what do you propose Jin?"

"I'm going to invite her over, we're going to pretend that you lost the baby."

"What if you're wrong?"

"Then I'll admit I'm wrong and apologize." He shrugs.

"I think you'll have to do more than that." I crossed my arms.

"I'll bring out the toys." He whispered in my ear.

"I meant Reagan!" I slapped his chest.

"Ouch!" He rubbed his chest.

"You're going to tell her it was your idea and apologize. I'm thinking a new kitchen set, she'll love those."

"Fine." He groaned. I peck his lips while getting out the bed. Before I could open the bedroom door he sped to me closing the door. "What are you doing?"

"Going to the kitchen."

"What do you need, I'll get it."

"I've been hauled in this room for four days, my child is still missing and I'm hungry. Do you really want to argue with me right now!" I growled. Yes, you heard right, Jolie is still missing and I'm slowly losing my mind, but at least I know she won't hurt my child, she knows Jin will never forgive her, not to mention her own son who's attached to Jolie at the hip.

He backed back up and let me leave the room. I went to the kitchen and pulled out my favorite. Pickles and peanut butter. When I closed the fridge, I seen a picture of Jolie, Jin, and I got her third birthday. I just hope I don't miss her fourth. I felt a pair of arms around my waist and instantly knew who it was.

"Jolie is fine, I promise you I'll bring her home." I turned to face him.

"I know, I believe in you. But... if you have to choose between me and Jolie, please choose her." I cupped his face, as a few tears fell from my eyes, I've been really patience but this is getting to be to much to handle.


"Please Jin." He nodded his head while kissing my forehead.


After waking up from an amazing sleep, I went down stairs to the basement. I walked up to the computers and seen Kate sitting down watching.

"So what happened?" I asked her.

"N-nothing, just a bunch of boring talks and kissing." She stuttered.

"Why are you stuttering? Are you nervous?" I taunted.

"N-no." I smirked before turned off the screens and sitting in front of her.

"I think you're lying-

"I'm not."

"Don't cut me off," I wrapped my hand around her throat, making her stand up with me. I pushed her into the wall, pressing my body against her. "You're gaining a little confidence? You've been spending too much time with Yeri." I gently bit her earlobe. She put her hand on my chest trying to push me away but I grabbed both pinning them above her head.

"Dyron sto- I cut her off with a rough kiss and just like suspected she didn't pull away. Hell Yeri isn't my girlfriend plus she's out of town, at Disneyland having fun with the kids so why not have my own fun with Kate.

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