❦ F I V E ❦

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A month has past and the tension has been thick. I'm surprised he hasn't been caught from all the times he would sneak in my room. I told Reagan what has been going on, more like she suspected and I just confirmed it. It's no point in lying about it to her. I don't know what I want, Jin and I are from two completely different worlds, for all I know he could be toying with me.

He could cheat on me like he's doing with Yeri. How could he even love a maid? He's filthy rich and have beautiful girls practically throwing themselves at him all the time, I would be an insecure wreck. It was a rest day, so I decided to leave and go check on my father. I did my morning routine, put on some casual clothes and went to the kitchen. Of course Yeri was there and all over Jin. Why am I jealous?

"Why are you dressed like that?"

"Because it's my day off and I'm going out." I snapped.

"Since when do you have a day off!?"

"Since I started working, idiot. I mumbled the last part. Reagan obviously heard and chuckled at me.

"Whats so funny?" I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"See you later Reagan." I was about to leave the kitchen before Yeri grabbed me and I glared at her.

"Where do you think you're going?" She snapped.

"I really try my best to be nice but you, my dear, are trying my patience, now you need to release me so I can go see my father, or you'll regret it!" I spat as I snatched my arm away. I went outside to Vanessa's car, my best friend, because I had to call her since I don't have my keys.

I went to my dad's house and everything was going well. His care taker was doing a good job, no complaints from him. I went in the kitchen and made some ramen because he likes the way I make it. Vanessa came in and sat on the counter next to me.

"Okay so what are we doing after we leave here?" She asked.

"I don't know I was planning on going home." I said while draining the pot.

"What!? No! You're off and single and we're going to have some fun tonight. There's this new club that just opened, and I want to check it out."

"I don't know."

"Yes you do, I'll take you home so you can get some clothes and we'll go to my house to get ready."She smiled.

"You have this all planned out don't you?" I laughed at her.

"Yes I do." She said proudly and we did just that after we left my dad's house. I entered the house and found Jin in the living room with some of his friends. I went to my room and put some clothes in a bag. After that I went to the kitchen to chat with Reagan and then I left.

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"Wow you look smokin' hot!"

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"Wow you look smokin' hot!"

"Really?" I asked with a small smile.

"Yes! If I was gay I would do you." She joked, causing me to laugh. We went to the club and I got to say it was beautiful. We went to the bar to take a few shots and there I seen the same guys from Jin's house earlier but I didn't see Jin. Just then one of them decided to walk up to me.

"Hey there."

"Hi, who are you?"

"I'm Jungkook, I was at Jin's house earlier, you might have seen me there."

"Yeah I did, what do you want?"

"Forgive me, but you are beautiful. How do you know Jin?" As soon as he said that Jin walked up.

"What's going on here?" He asked innocently.

"I just came over here to speak to..." he dragged on waiting for me to finish.


"Ah yes, Nina. Your name is even beautiful." I blushed at his comment as I could seen Jin's death glare from the corner of my eye. "How do you know each other?"

"She's just my maid." Jin quickly responded with no emotion. Ouch. Even though it was true it still hurt.

"So you don't mind if I ask her to dance?" Jungkook asked while locking gazes with me.

"She can't." He snapped.

"Why not?"

"Yeah, why not?" I asked while folding my arms.

"Because I said so." Jin glared at me once more.

"You're my boss, not my dad, I can do what I want!" I spat.

"You're fiesty! I like that." Jungkook smirked. "Shall we?" He held his arm out and I hooked mine with his whilst going to the dance floor. We started dancing and Jungkook started grinding against me, his hands traveling all over my body. I saw Jin staring at me hungrily and I smirked at him before turning away.

I wrapped my arms around Jungkook's neck and continued to dance to the music. His hands went to my butt, but I didn't pay any mind to it because it was meaningless. Before I knew I was being pulled, no snatched away from the dance floor and into an office like room. I turned around to look at the person responsible.

"What the hell Jin?" I said slightly annoyed.

"What's wrong with you, trying to make me jealous on purpose!?" He snapped.

"Why would you be jealous I'm just your maid!" I said, a little hurt but I didn't show it.

"So what you're letting other guys touch all over you!?"

"Why do you care!?"

"You're right! Why would I care? You're just a maid, I have Yeri and I can give it to her whenever I get want and have her begging for more." His words cut deep as I started to feel emotional.

"Screw you Jin." I tried to walk away but he pulled me back.

"What do you want from me Nina!? I told you what I want, all you have to do is say the word and she's gone, but you denied me!" He yelled.

"I can't do this right now." I tried to leave again with no success.


"YOU!!" I yelled. "I'm afraid of you." My voice was suddenly low.

"Why?" He whispered.

"Because we don't work, we don't belong together. Eventually you'll get bored of me and leave me for someone better." I confessed.

"Is that what you really think?" I was silent while looking at the floor. "Nina, I like you because you're different! I don't care about those other sluts!" He held my chin to make me looked at him as he wiped my tear that has fallen away with his thumb. Why don't we go home and let me show you how much I appreciate you." He said in a more sexy, seductive tone.

"What if Yeri's there?"

"I don't care, let her hear how good I make you feel. You're mine Nina. My one and only." I pulled him in for a kiss, and he responded quickly like a hungry tiger wanting to devour its prey. He pulled away and took me out the office to his car and we went home.

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