❦ T H R E E ❦

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Every night for a whole week Jin has slept with me at night. I honestly don't know what to think or what's going on in his head. He never leaves my sight when he's home and it's kind of annoying. I was right, when Yeri leaves it'll get worse. I kinda want her to come back now. I was in the kitchen with Reagan and we were talking about nonsense until the conversation changed.

"I wanted to leave it alone but I just can't help my curiosity." I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.


"Is there anything going on between you and Master Kim?" She asked nervously.

"No... why would you ask that?" I chuckled.

"I seen him come out of your room this morning... shirtless."

"Believe me if I had an answer I would tell you." She nodded her head and walked to the sink. When she came back I saw her eyes widen but didn't pay attention as the words left my mouth, I was still in deep conversation.

"He's been so obnoxious and soon as Yeri leaves he wants to be all needy for me or something like honestly, and he thinks I'm supposed to jump when he say jump at night like no that's why you had a night maid for, forget your little attitudes." I rambled.

"Is that so?" I didn't dare turn around. I just swallowed all that boldness I had a second ago as he spoke again. "Reagan why don't you take the rest of the day off." Oh my shit!

"Yes Master." She looked at me with empathy and left our presence.

"So I'm obnoxious?" He questioned, a bit amused.


"Look at me when you're talking!" I slowly turned around with my eyes to the ground. I felt him staring down on me. He took my chin and made me look at him. "I have something for naughty maids like you." His voice was suddenly raspy. He put me on his shoulder and carried me to his bedroom. "I'm going to fix your mouth." He smacked my ass hard as the skirt came up and I yelped at his touch. He threw me on his bed and I sat up instantly, slightly afraid, not only did he throw me on a bed but he threw me on HIS bed. He went to closet and came back with handcuffs.

"Take off all your clothes, except for your skirt."


"Do you need me to do it for you?" He snapped. I quickly did what he said, covering myself out of instinct. He sighs while coming up to me and handcuffing my wrists and ankles to the bed. He went back in his closet and came back with a silver long tool, that had to be a vibrator. I gulped really hard as he walked near me. He turned in on low and circled it around my nipples.

"Master... what are you doing?" I whimpered.

"I'm showing you how needy a person can get." He said seductively. He ran it down my body, stopping at my core. He lifted my skirt and ran it over my clit making me shiver. I turned my head to the side while trying to suppress my moans. "Look how wet you are, maybe you're the needy one." Without warning he placed the vibrator inside of me, causing a sinful moan to escape my lips.

He put it on high and sat down in a chair in front of me. I was stuck on his bed squirming from the vibrating sensation, coursing through my body. I was whining while trying to break free. It wasn't to long after I felt knot form in my stomach and I released all over the vibrator. I thought that was it, it was over until he spoke,

"Let's see how many times you can cum, maybe even squirt." After that he left the room as I continued to squirm. At this moment I was a moaning mess, breathing heavily as sweat begin to form on my forehead. I felt my second orgasm coming and I released again. An hour later, I was in that bed laying down, helpless. I couldn't move, I stop counting orgasms after my eighth one, at that point I was squirting.

I didn't even know I could do that. I started to feel pain in my lower abdomen. The bed was soaked beneath me. I never thought I would say this but I couldn't take anymore pleasure. It started to hurt. Jin walked back in the room and sat down in that chair, watching me.

"M-master... p-please take it out." I begged, tears running down my cheeks. He smirked and just watched me. I felt another high coming and I scream in the painful pleasure. Tears continued to fall as I was tired. "I-I'm sorry Master please... please take it out.... I can't take anymore!" I pleaded. He walked over to me and stared down upon me.

"You're such a beautiful mess." He sucked his fingers and started to rub my clit really fast. I arched my back as my eyes rolled in the back of my head.

"Ahhhhh!!! Fuck Master Stop!!!" I squeezed my eyes shut after I rode out what I was hoping my last high. I came again and he finally took the vibrator out. He placed it in his mouth and sucked my juices off. I'll be lying if I said that didn't turn me on, but I was also raging internally.

Once he removed it, he placed his fingers into my mouth and told me to suck. I weakly obeyed as I was still shaking uncontrollably on the bed. I have never experienced anything like that. He uncuffed me and I laid there speechless, and throbbing, watching him as he left the room. What the hell just happened, what did I get myself into!!?

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