❦ S I X ❦

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— Mature Content Ahead —

We entered into the house, kissing hungrily. He pressed me against a wall as he undid his tie and I kicked my heels off. He picked me up and took me to his room, throwing me on the bed and quickly hovering above me. He attached his lips to mine once again as he started to massage my breast.

The hole that was already in the dress aided him in ripping it completely off as I was in only in panties. He attacked my neck leaving hickeys behind. I flipped us over, grinding against him while kissing him. I unbuttoned his shirt and he took it off, throwing it somewhere in the room. I just took a moment to admire his perfectly toned body.

I kissed his chest, down his abdomen, stopping at his clothed hardness. I unbuckled his belt and unbutton his pants, pulling his member out, giving his butterfly kisses. I licked the tip before taking him in completely. His groans were getting me so wet, wetter than I already was. I started to play with myself, as I moaned on his member, giving him vibrations.

"Ahh, Nina" He grunted. I sped up my pace, causing his dick to pulsate in my mouth. "Shit, I'm cumming!!" Just then his warm liquid filled my mouth and I swallowed it, not leaving a drop. He pulled me up and grab my chin, kissing me hungrily. We switched positions, my back on the bed as he pinned both of my arms above my head. He let got but I left them there as his hands travelled down my body.

He cupped my breasts, licking and biting them. I bit my bottom lip while staring at him. The way he looked back at me, drove me crazy. He trailed his mouth down my body, stopping at the hem of my panties, taking it between his teeth as sliding them down my legs.

He kissed my ankles, down to my legs, further to my inner thighs, biting them. I was whimpering from his touch. His lips gliding over my heat, blowing on it. His tongue attacking my clit sending electrifying sparks all over my body. I shut my eyes tightly from the pleasure.

"Mmmm... mhmm..." I opened my eyes to find him staring at me. He was devouring me so good I forgot everything around us. I felt my high coming as he skillfully pumped his tongue in and out of me. "Fuck!" I whimpered as I came in his mouth. He sucked me dry coming back up to my face kissing me again. "I want you Jin." I whispered against his lips.

"What's my name?" He huskily asked.

"Master." He smirked against my lips while taking his pants off all the way. In no time, he was slowly pushing himself inside of me, giving me time to adjust before he started to thrust. I nodded for him to go, and man did his speed pick up gradually. The pleasure was overwhelming as I clawed his back, leaving red lines.

"Shit! Faster." I begged. I was out of this world as he hit my spot each time.

"You feel so good." He moaned out as he pounded into me. He was going at a fast and furious pace.

"Master I'm gonna cum!" I said breathlessly.

"Hold it sweetheart." He started to rub my clit and my walls clenched around him. I mean was he trying to make me lose my mind. I whined with each thrust as I tried my best to hold it in but I was bound to break. It started to hurt, a tear escaped my eye as bit down on my bottom lip. His thrusts were getting sloppier,

"Cum now!" He commanded and I happily obeyed. I arched my back as I released while gripping the sheets tightly. He filled me up with his seed and I didn't pay any mind to it as I was twitching, trying to calm down. His fell on the side of me and pulled me into his embraced. He pulled the covers over us while our sweaty bodies attached together as I snuggled my head in the crook of his neck.

The way he held me, made me feel safe, like he wouldn't let anything happen to me. I was finally in his trap, and I wasn't going anywhere. There was silence, but what was understood didn't have to be explained. He kissed my forehead as I fell asleep in his arms.


She was finally mine, she couldn't run away from me now. She lost that opportunity when she stepped inside my bedroom. She was sleeping in my arms and I heard the door unlocked downstairs. I put on my boxers and went down stairs. It was Yeri.

"Where were you?"

"Out. Why are you sweaty?"

"I just made love to the girl I love." I said bluntly.

"Wh- what!? Who is that!?" She spat.

"Not you, if you're wondering." I smirked as I walked up to her and snatched her keys out of her hands. I took off the key to my house and gave her keys back to her.

"Wha.. What are you doing?"

"I'm done with you Yeri, I never cared about you, you were just a ploy until I got the one I really want."

"But Jin I love you." She pleaded.

"Really? Is that what you call it? I wonder how many times Sehun has heard that. Sleeping around with my cousin like I wouldn't know you little slut!" I raised my voice but not to loud to wake up Nina.

"I-It's not what you think?"

"I don't care what is was. Get the hell out of my house, I'll send your stuff to Sehun's house." I said as I turned away to walk away. She grabbed my arm.

"Wait Jin! I'm not leaving!" She said. I turned to face her once more.

"I'm being nice for once and I'm letting you go peacefully, but I will throw you out, literally!" I said the last part a little louder. I snatched my arm away.

It's that bitch Nina isn't it. She snapped. I slapped her across her face making her fall to the floor.

"Speak bad about her again, I dare you." I turned away and went back to my bedroom. I climbed back into bed and cuddled up to Nina, eventually falling asleep myself.


You will regret this Choi Nina and Kim SeokJin!

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