❦ T W E L V E ❦

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I ring the doorbell and patiently waited.

"Yeri! How are you?"

"I'm doing good Mr. Kim, and you?" I smiled widely.

"Great! Come in." I walked inside the giant mansion, making my way to the living room. "What brings you by?"

"Well I don't know if Jinnie told you but I'm pregnant."

"Really!? That's amazing! When's the wedding?"

"That's what I came to talk to you about. You see he's been a little uncooperative and I really want to have this wedding before the baby is born."

"Say no more it is done, I will talk to SeokJin."

"Thank you Mr. Kim." I smirked.

"Come on Yeri, we're family now." Indeed we are.


"Nina?" She whispered. "Psssttt." She shook me and I opened my eyes.

"Vanessa it's 12:03 in the morning what do you-

"Do you hear that?" She whispered.

"You're the one I should love in this world..."

"Someone's singing? Where's it coming from?" I asked while sitting up.

"Outside. I came in here because it sounds like-

"Jin." I sighed and got out of the bed. I walked to the front door and I seen Jin in front of the house in a sweatsuit with messy hair. "What are you doing!?" I shouted, he continued to sing but louder.

"YOU'RE THE ONE I SHOULD LOVE!" I ran to him and covered his mouth.

"It's I'm the one I should love." I dropped my hand, and it's freaking midnight, "why are you here!? How did you know where she lived."

"Come home with me."

"No, now goodnight." He pulled me back.

"Please! I can't sleep without you."

"Sounds like a personal problem." I brushed him off.

"You're hurt, that's it." He pulled me back.

"You slept with Yeri or at least you don't remember if you did and now she's pregnant and it could be yours."

"Words can't even describe how bad I feel and how much I miss you and need you and love you. All I'm asking is for a chance, please." He pleaded.

"You think coming here in the middle of the night and singing to me will change my mind!? You're very wrong!" I tried to walk away and I don't even know why I still try when he's around.

"Sleep with me."

"Excuse me?"

"Every since you left me, I haven't been able to sleep well, please."


"Look at me Nina... I need you." I had to say he did look awful. From the messy hair to the red eyes and nose, from crying I assumed.

"This isn't my house-

"Then come home with me, just for tonight." He was begging, losing all of his pride in front of me, which he's never done in front of anyone as long as I known him.

"I'm driving my own car, so I can leave in the morning." He hugged me tightly and I took in his scent, my arms wrapping themselves around him. I broke the hug and went back inside to get my keys. After letting Vanessa know that I wouldn't be back tonight I followed him back to the house. When we arrived he unlocked the door and let me lead the way into the house. I look down and seen rose petals on the floor. "What's this?"

"A surprise."

"So you just knew that I would come."

"I was hoping on it." I followed the path to the bedroom. On the bed were the words ' I'm sorry ' with a big heart and a box in the middle.

"Jin no." I stopped.

"Just open it please." I slowly walked to the bed and picked up the ring and I was memorized, by it's beauty. "My first thought was to propose but after talking with Reagan she said it might not be the best thing to do in a situation like this so it's a promise ring. I promise to always be here for you, even when you try to push me away, and I promise to be the best father in the world and hopefully your future husband." He started to walk towards me as I was still staring at the ring. He took my chin to look at him.

"I promise to love you, forever and always." He took the ring out the box and placed it on my ring finger. "I just hope one day I can replace this with the real deal." His face keep inching towards mine. I can't move my head, it won't turn away. I'm hypnotized. His lips connecting with mine just as a tear fell. I could never resist his sweet kisses even if I wanted to. I just lets our lips move together in rhythm as his arms snakes around my waist. Again my self control no where to be found as he pulled away and I just stared at him.

"Let's go to sleep." When he pulled the covers back the rose petals went everywhere but he didn't care. I crawled into bed, in his embrace. His arms wrapped around me, securely as my head rested on chest. Once again there was silence. I didn't know what he was thinking but me, I was lost for words. He was up and I just laid there until eventually my eyes got heavy and fell asleep.

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