❦ T H I R T E E N ❦

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I woke up early because I had to go to work. Nina was still sleep so I didn't bother waking her up. Now if only I can get her to stay. I left her a note and then went to the office. It was a peaceful morning until my dad came into my office.

"Good morning son."

"Good morning Father." I stood up to shake his hand.

"How are things going?"

"Great, I just closed that deal with Hong Kong."

"That's good.. good. How are things at home?"

"What do you mean?" I asked, confused as to what he was getting at.

"With Yeri."

"Dad, I'm not with Yeri anymore." I sighed.

"Why? She's carrying your child-

"Allegedly." I cut him off.

"What makes you say that?"

"She's sleeping around with Sehun."

"She told me you would say that because you're sleeping around with your maid." He spat.

"Nina, is not my maid anymore and I'm in love with her!" I yelled.

"Son.. Look I think Nina is a nice girl, but Yeri is carrying your child-


"And you're going to marry her! I don't want any scandals associated with this company!" He yelled.

"But I don't love her!" I yelled back.

"Let's hope in time you learn to!" And with that he left my office. I sat down in my chair, furious. What the hell made him arranged a forced marriage!?.. FUCKING YERI! I have to get a DNA test as soon as possible!


When I woke up, there was a note beside me. It was from Jin.

Thank you for spending the night with me. I hope you can join me for lunch as Cherry Blossom Park today.
- Jin

I let out a deep sigh, contemplating what to do. I rubbed my face and looked down at my ring finger. What am I going to do. I grabbed my keys and went downstairs. I decided to speak to Reagan before I leave.

"Hi Reagan!"

"Omg Nina!" She came around the table to hug me. "I missed you so much! Are you here to stay." She said eagerly.

"No, I was just about to leave but I wanted to speak to you." Her smile dropped and I could feel her sadness.

"Well I see you're wearing the ring, I hope that's some progress."

"Reagan you've been here longer than me, why haven't you left yet?"

"I have to admit in my first year I wanted to. At first I thought he was a heartless animal. Then I realized he's just a boy who wants his father's approval. And now, in my five years, I can honestly say he's decent. He's never carried an actual conversation with me until he asked me if he should propose and I had a conversation with him about what to do. He loves you Nina." I sighed while playing with my ring.

"Thank you Reagan." She smiled at me and I smiled back. I left the house and went back to Vanessa's to change clothes. I arrived at the park ten minutes early so I can give myself enough time to think and contemplate on my decision. I soon seen his handsome figure walking towards me in a distance and it was to late to turn around.

"I'm glad you came." He smiled while taking my hand in his, trying to see if I was wearing the ring.

"You have Reagan to thank, I wasn't going to come at first."

"I'm still grateful, shall we?" He held his arm of for me to take it and I playfully rolled my eyes before hooking our arms together. We walked through the park looking at all the beautiful flowers. After a while we stopped and sat on a bench in the middle of the park. "We find out the gender next week."

"You're coming to that appointment too?" I asked him.

"Well of course, I'm dying to know." I smiled to myself, I tried not to make it obvious but he noticed. "I got her to smile." I nudged him playfully while chuckling along with him.

"Don't get use to it, you're still treading on thin ice." I teased.

"Thank you for today and again for last night. I missed you, I can't wait til this all blow over." He sighed.

"Me too. I missed you Jin."

"You should come over tomorrow night!" He said eagerly.


"Please! Let me cook for you!" He begged.

"You can cook?" I looked surprised.

"Can I? I'm thinking about having my own show Jin Eats." We laughed hard together, it makes me miss all the good times we've spent together.

"Okay, how about 7pm."

"Perfect." We kissed unintentionally but it felt so good. I had to pull him in for another one. I missed the way his lips would connect with mine, how our tongue would fight for dominance, how his hands would hold my waist, lifting me up just a bit as my arms hung around his neck. We pulled away to catch our breath as our foreheads rested against each other. There was an awkward silence.

"Um... your lunch break is almost over.."

"Yeah... I just need to- he crashed his lips onto mine once again. I wish this was our reality, just two happy people, sitting in the park, enjoying life and waiting on our first born. Instead I have a crazy person, who wants to be in the place she couldn't hold down. We stood up and walked to my car. "So tomorrow at 7."

"Tomorrow at 7." He kissed my cheek and I got in the car. I stared at him, lovingly for a while before starting the car up and driving away, him watching me until I'm out of sight.

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