I Know What You Did Last Summer, Pt. 2 - Camila

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I didn't think anything would come of mine and Shawn's goofing about with melodies after the Taylor Swift concert. We were, after all, both in very different parts of the country and doing really different types of music. He was gaining success as a solo artist and I was still with Fifth Harmony. When my manager told me that Shawn's manager had been in touch about the song, my heart stopped. Shawn and I had texted about it becoming more than just spit-balling in a dressing room, but we never actually thought it could take off. I was nervous and excited and confused. What would the girls from Fifth Harmony say?

Ultimately, my decision to collaborate with Shawn was probably one of the first signs that our band wouldn't be my end-goal. I always knew it, but I don't think the other girls thought I'd actually have the guts to try it on my own. But with Shawn, that genuine, kind and funny Canadian – I could do it. He'd told me as much and I believed him. I've always believed him.

So, we went into the studio and what followed was some of the most amazing months of my entire career. The song was a success and people were going crazy for us as artists. It was the first time I felt well and truly confident and comfortable performing – even more so than being with the Fifth Harmony girls. Shawn and I had the most fun touring our song, performing on various shows, teasing each other in interviews – I trusted him entirely and didn't ever want to stop hanging out with him. Something about him made me feel whole, safe. Not to mention confident as hell.

But it wasn't all smooth sailing.

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