Consequences - Camila

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The festive break had been a welcome one and I was right, it had done Shawn and I world a of good. It had also been a fantastic time for lyric-writing for me. I had at least three notebooks bursting with line after line of emotions and material. I kept them under lock and key in my dressing room at home. If Matthew ever found them, he'd be incredibly concerned.

It wasn't that I didn't love him. If anything, the Christmas trips we spent together made me realise even more how wonderful and thoughtful and kind he was. Shawn and I just had history, that was all. I was just musically 'turned on' by him, that was all. At least that's what I tried to tell myself.

After the holidays, I found out that I was going to be performing at the Grammys in February with Ricky Martin, Balvin and Daddy Yankee. I was in awe; these were huge stars and I knew the pressure was on. I threw myself into work and was training like a beast to get ready for the set. I was in the middle of rehearsals one day when my manager came in to tell me that Mark Ronson wanted to collaborate on a song with me and I could submit the lyrics to his theme. It was musical nirvana! I had the exact lyrics ready in one of my locked away notebooks, one I had poured my heart into after a couple of glasses of wine one night whilst on holiday. I went into the studio the next day to hash it out with him...I was enjoying it so much, I barely heard Mark mention Shawn's name.

"Wait, what was that about Shawn?" I said quickly, looking down at my recording sheet, trying to look calm, blasé even.

"Ohh he hasn't told you? Yeah he's performing with Miley at the Grammys." Mark drawled, raising his eyebrows suggestively. I didn't know what he knew, but he was a creative, he could probably read me like a book. "Yeah, I'm doing a collab with Miley for this album too and she was singing his praises when she was in here the other day." He smirked

I didn't know how to feel about that. Miley was nice, a fantastic performer and an awesome collaborator for Shawn but something made me feel a bit sick. Miley was also a loose cannon. She was married to Liam Hemsworth sure, but her out of hours activities always made the gossip train and I didn't know how I felt about Shawn being involved in that. I kept my cool in front of Mark, "That sounds incredible for them, I'm sure it'll be a performance to remember." I said pleasantly. Mark just winked at me and signalled at me to start singing again.

That night was weird. I got home and couldn't get the image of Shawn and Miley out of my mind. I was going crazy, so I picked up my guitar and started playing the Senorita cords again, just to calm myself.

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