Love Incredible - Camila

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Like I knew it would, seeing Shawn made my already-fragile hold on my emotions, completely disintegrate. He continued to hold my hand as he led me outside, we walked in silence to a nearby diner. He got us a quiet booth at the back, away from any prying eyes and sat me down before going up to talk to the lady at the counter. I used this time to wipe my eyes and rub some of the smudged make up from my face. Staring at my reflection on my phone screen, I decided I looked like death. I felt like it too.

Shawn came back with two cups and put one in front of me before sliding in next to me, I smiled slightly as I breathed in the smell of the tea; lemon and honey. "You and your damn throat-coat tea." I smiled shyly at him.
His responding smirk was strained and hesitant. "Well, you said bring my A-game, I can't do anything without my throat-coat tea."
I let out a shaky laugh. "I'm sorry" I finally whispered, looking down into my cup.
"Camilita, what happened? I'm going crazy worrying about you ..." he reached out and grabbed my hands, stroking my thumbs reassuringly.
I closed my eyes, trying to let go of the emotions and be as calm as possible. I took a deep breath and told him, "Matthew and I broke up."

His eyes went wide, his shoulders sank, and he pulled me into a hug so hard, I thought I would stop breathing. "Shawn, it's ok, it's ok..." I said, trying to push away slightly. I couldn't keep crying about this, it had been a whole week and a half already, I was ready to be a normal functioning human again. I'd spent days after the breakup in bed, trying to piece it all together. Trying to figure out how I was going to navigate Señorita without hurting Shawn in the process. I considered backing away completely, to not do the song at all. In the end, his call to my mom had ignited my need to see him, to work this out.

I shook my head, trying to find the words, "It happened in Italy, towards the end, luckily. I really did have a wonderful trip; Italy is so beautiful, I was so happy." I said quickly, trying to show him that it wasn't all doom and gloom. His face looked pained, like he had a million questions but didn't know what to say first. I carried on, "I got a call from Ali about the next lines of Señorita and well... he heard. Then he reacted badly."
Shawn stiffened, like he knew it was coming. He put his hands in his hair and breathed out heavily. I should have known this would affect him too. I didn't know what to do so I just kept talking, like the floodgates had opened. "It wasn't just the words that spooked him, it was the whole concept, the reaction it would cause..." I trailed off slightly, stirring my tea as I tried to calm myself. "But all of that, I thought we could have worked through it. Until he said he didn't want me to do it. Didn't want me to work with you." I said bitterly, remembering how angry I had been at the time.
Shawn looked up at me, his beautiful face pained and sad. I looked back at him without blinking, feeling confident as I whispered, "I told him not to make me choose, not to make me pick." I took a deep breath, "Because I would always choose you. It will always be you Shawn."

His breath hitched and his eyes went glassy with emotion. He shook his head slowly, as though in disbelief. It took me a moment to notice the light dancing in his eyes, but then it suddenly disappeared and he looked sick with worry again, "I'm so sorry, I'm so, so sorry." He said urgently, shifting closer to me. "I didn't mean for any of this, I didn't mean for all this hurt."
"It was the right thing to do. My heart hasn't been in it for a while, it wasn't fair on him anymore." I continued, feeling guilty at the admission. "We had a great time, saw some beautiful places together and he's still one of the best people I think I'll ever know. But I think in my heart, I'm ready." I qualified, being purposely vague on the last point.
Shawn and I may have harboured feelings for each other for years, but straight after my breakup and just after If I Can't Have You, we couldn't force the concept of us too much. I couldn't do that; I needed a little time to heal at least, to forget about the ring and what that had meant.
"So, what now?" he asked, uncertain. He was still sitting so close to me that my skin had goose bumps all over. I drank some of my tea, each sip giving me strength and confidence, something I hadn't had for weeks.

I looked thoughtfully at him for a moment before saying, "We go record Señorita. We make a beautiful, summer hit, and we enjoy the whole process of creating music together again." I smiled at him, the first real smile I'd felt in weeks.

His responding smile made my heart glow, "Ok Señorita, let's do this."

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