Show You Pt. 1 - Shawn

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It was the third show of my European tour and we were in Berlin. Camila had called me that same morning to wish me luck.

"Shawnito, I've also been meaning to tell you, I'm back in the studio." She told me, sounding a bit shy about it.

"That's amazing! You know where your next album is going?" I asked excitedly.

"Erm, sort of. But more importantly, it's made me feel a bit creative and bold with some lyrics. I thought a couple of them may work for Señorita, if you want to see them?" She said sheepishly.

My heart skipped a beat, adrenalin rushing my system "Of course I do! Sing for me pretty lady...sing!" I said happily.

She laughed, "Actually, I think I need to WhatsApp these. I haven't figured out where in the song they would go so..." she trailed off nervously.

"Ok no worries, send them over and we can decide. By the way, did you get my birthday present?" I asked, wanting to change the subject so that she didn't continue feeling uncomfortable.

Her squeal in response was answer enough, "I loved it! You know how much I love Tangled, you nailed it!" I had got her a small oil canvas of the Tangled scene where Rapunzel and Eugene are in the boat with the lights all around them. I could almost hear her singing their song in her head when she opened it and hung it up. She was a sucker for soppy Disney scenes, I knew she'd love it.

"Ok good, you're welcome. Send me the lines, I'll let you know what we can do with them." I replied, feeling smug about my birthday present success.

"Ok, have a good show! Break a leg Canada!" She giggled and hung up. My smile faded as her WhatsApp came in a couple of seconds later, with two lines:

'Her body fit right in my hands la la la, it felt like ooh la la la'

'Cos you know it's been a long time coming, don't you let me fall'

Double shit.

These lines were getting riskier and sexier. It was going to become more and more difficult to deny the feelings behind these words. Part of me was nervous, worried for the damage it could cause. But the other part of me, the one that wanted this more than anything, felt triumphant. She wouldn't write those lines if she didn't feel like that, if she didn't think it in the back of her mind. Was she starting to see the light too?

Giddiness took hold and I practically ran to my set director for the show.
"I want to add When You're Ready to the set list for the rest of the shows." I said, out of breath.
"Sure, does Andrew know?" He asked in response.
"He doesn't have a choice either way." I qualified. What was the point of being the star of the show if I couldn't sing the songs I wanted to sing? I felt pumped for the show that night, I knew exactly what I wanted to do.

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