Patience- Shawn

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As soon as I'd sent the message, my chest was tight with nerves. I needed to try clear the air with Camila. I knew she wasn't at home in LA or even visiting family in Miami or Mexico, so she had to be in Europe somewhere. She was probably even with Matthew, which although it broke my heart... my mom's words to me kept repeating themselves in the back of my mind. Set it free.

But that didn't mean I had to let the friendship go. And if there was one thing Camila couldn't resist, it was a puppy. Cuddling with Penelope, I was writing some new material in my new notebook when her reply popped up;

'STTOOOOPPPP! Canada! She's ADORABLE! I love her already!' I read her first message and laughed; I could literally hear her squeal through the message. Then the next one came in fast, 'But if she doesn't do roll over and paw by the time I meet her, then we really need to reconsider your pet-owning ability.' I scoffed at that, as if I was going to find time to train her in tricks! I was about to reply when her next message came again.
'Merry Christmas from the Cabellos' too. I hope you and your family are having a beautiful holiday. [kissy emoji] Tell me you are wearing your Canadian Fury sweatshirt I got you for Christmas years ago?!'

I let out a breathy laugh, she was crazy, that sweatshirt had to be too small for me? It was worth a shot though, grabbing it from my drawers, I forced myself into it and low behold, it was way too small and far too tight. I laughed as I took a selfie with it and sent it to her with the message;
'I wasn't wearing it, my mistake. But now that I've put it on, I've realised why I don't wear it anymore. I may have grown a bit since we got these...[winking emoji] x'

I could almost hear her wail in laughter as she got the message. Her responses came in quickly:
'Well then, at least that is next year's Christmas gift sorted for you [laughing emoji]. But don't worry, I'm still repping' team Mendes-Cabello by wearing mine.' Then she sent a selfie of her wearing hers. I couldn't control the smile that spread over my whole face by seeing her, even just a photo of her.
I responded, keeping my mom's mantra in my head; 'You've always rocked it. Enjoy your holiday Camilita x'

She didn't respond after that, as intended. I changed back into my Raptors hoodie and headed back to my family's sitting room, Penelope bounding up to me. My chest felt lighter than it had in weeks.

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