No Promises - Shawn

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It was the summer of festivals and shows, concerts and tours. Promo after promo. Interview after interview. I knew it was the same for Camila – we were both so busy we barely had time to check in, but I felt better for having seen her in a more comfortable situation at her concert. It was also the summer that I met Matthew.

Career wise, we were both doing well. Family, friends – yup still both doing well. Love life – well at least she was doing well in that department. She looked incredibly happy, if not a bit shy about the whole situation. I didn't know what I expected when I met him, but he seemed perfectly normal, decent and, just like she said, kind. I was hugely disappointed that I couldn't find something wrong with him – damn them both. I wanted to hate him, but he was making her happy and that was the only thing that mattered.

I was trying to enjoy being single and being a 'Rockstar', as my stylist kept reminding me. I'd been with a couple of girls here and there after a show or festival, but nothing really stuck. It made me feel a bit empty, if anything.

Then I saw Havana was having its one-year birthday and Camila's team had created a whole revival campaign around it. Suddenly the song of last summer was alive again and it sparked inspiration in me.

I was talking to Charli XCX about it at one of Taylor Swift's concerts one day. She'd also spent time on the road with Camila and loved Havana's vibe. We started strumming some Spanish-sounding melodies on my guitar and spit balling some ideas. Charli penned some opening lyrics and talked excitedly about the concept but after she left, I started listened to Camila talk in Spanish in interviews on YouTube, trying to copy her words and get the sounds right. I was failing miserably at it, so decided to drop her a message instead.

Camilita, how are you darling? Congrats on one-year since Havana... can't believe it's only been a year since you broke world records everywhere with it! Xx

Her reply came quickly, You're being gushy and sneaky – I see right through you Shawnito...x

I laughed out loud whilst texting her back, she literally could see right through me. Ok fine. I need something from you... x

Go on...[intrigued emoji] x

I'm working on a more Latin-esque melody for a new song. I've done a few performances in South America this year... I'm feeling inspired. I paused. What was it I really wanted from her? Apart from the obvious? I shook my head and carried on typing. Are there some key phrases, lines, words you can pronounce for me to help get the ball rolling? I think it's going to be my next hit... x I was teasing her with the last bit but also wanted her buy-in straight away

I LOVE IT! Ok here goes...x and then the barrage of voice notes came. Each one more ridiculous than the next, with funny sayings, key pronunciation mistakes to avoid, words that would rhyme well together...hearing her voice even whilst not being with her was balm to my soul.

Of course, I wrote the backbone of a song that night – but it only really had one Spanish word in it; Señorita.

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