Señorita Finale - Shawn

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We got lost in each other for hours, physically, emotionally...all of it.

We weren't going to deny it any longer. The fact that I'd spent half a decade of my life waiting for this moment only intensified each and every feeling, every sensation during our time together.

We completely missed the dinner reservation Camila had made with Sam and Connor. We were lying in bed after hours of exploring our need for each other, I was lying on my back, staring at her where she had her chin propped up on my chest; drawing small circles on my chest with her delicate fingers, every movement still causing me to erupt in goosebumps across my body.

I couldn't stop smiling, couldn't shake the intense happiness that was thrumming through my entire being. But there was still one thing we hadn't discussed, had we made it official? I needed to know, needed to hear her say it. "Mila, do you mean it? That you're ready?" I asked nervously, twirling her hair in my fingers as I continued to gaze adoringly at her.

She stared at my chest for a while, then my mouth, then looked me in the eyes before smiling softly, "I can't pretend it won't be tough Shawn. It's been so many years of a friendship. But I can't go back, I don't want to let this go..." she started, keeping her eyes locked on mine as she moved in closer to me, "Seeing how well we work together, how we just fit." She emphasised, my breathing turning shallow again in response. "Shawn your songs we're right, we're meant to be together." She finished confidently, linking her hand with mine.

I simply stared at her, my songs, her songs, the countless lyrics – all of them were playing in my head right now, I couldn't believe it had all worked.

I still hadn't said anything, so she carried on, "But let's make it official with the launch of Señorita ..." She whispered, a small playful smile coming across her face. I raised my eyebrow at her, "No one else needs to know, just us. When that song launches to the world, there's no going back Señor Mendes, you'll be all mine." She whispered silkily; my heart was leaping out of my chest in response.

I couldn't help the tear of happiness that rolled down my cheek, my smile to her hopefully telling her exactly how happy this made me. We'd finally got what we deserved, what we'd wanted more than anything.

I pulled her closer to me and replied confidently, "You and I are going down in history together Camila"


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