Nervous - Shawn

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I decided that there weren't enough words in the English language to put into effect what I felt with Camila during our first time together.

Even now, with the various degrees of emotions and impulses I was going through afterwards, words had failed me.

Camila and I were exhausted, breathing heavily as she draped herself over my chest and I held her closely to me, running my hands soothingly down her soft side, into the curve of her waist and back again. My wildest dreams with her had just come true but I couldn't even find the words to say something, anything to her.

The problem was, I had never experienced it being that intense, that life changing before. Even if I wanted to tell her that, I didn't know how. I'd been with other girls of course, but none that had made my skin feel like it was on fire, my heart was beating as though it was my last moments of life, my body physically shaking with desire.

I was trying to calm my breathing and control my thoughts when she propped herself up on her elbow and gazed down at me. Meeting her intense stare, I opened my mouth to try and form some words, but she put her finger to my lips and opened her mouth, as though she wanted to say something first; but nothing came out. Instead she just stared at me, scanning every inch of my face. Then her eyes roved down my torso, where she ran her fingers across my chest slowly, then her gaze journeyed lower and lower before her eyes snapped up to my lips and she said, "Oh fuck it."

Suddenly, she was on top of me, kissing me hard and taking control of my senses, forcing me to submit. I couldn't be happier to oblige her, it seemed she hadn't had enough either, and also couldn't find the right words.

We stopped thinking and let go, letting our physical need for each other do the talking. Our first time had been desperate, almost rushed; the accumulation of the day's lust playing out. This second time, I would take more time with her, show her that this was more than just a day's pent up sexual energy, try to enjoy her even more than I had the first. If that was even possible.

It seemed she had the same idea. It could have been minutes, or it could have been hours, but by the time we were done, my skin felt like delicate paper, her touch having completely changed me. I didn't know what time it was when we eventually stopped, spent and satisfied, for now.

I didn't know where my limbs started and hers stopped; she was curled into me, her legs entangled with mine, her face nuzzled into my neck, I could feel her eyelashes tickle my jaw every-time she blinked, the butterflies in my stomach content with the constant contact. Her fingertips were drawing soothing circles on my chest again when she took a long, deep, shuddering breath. I tensed, was she about to cry? I tried to shift, to look at her but she held me too tight.

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