Beautiful - Camila

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It was like being set on fire. Shawn kissed me as though it was the last kiss he would ever have; so deeply, so passionately that I thought I may combust. I couldn't control myself from that moment, I ran my hands into his hair, pulled myself even closer into him, his touch roving all over me.

My breathing was ragged, I was so absorbed in the moment, I didn't even notice him shift before suddenly he was standing up whilst still holding me around him. I let out a shaky giggle for a second, before I carried on kissing him intently, still gripping onto him. It seemed the dance training had helped with one thing at least...

He didn't falter as we carried on kissing, slowly carrying me to his bedroom before he gently laid me down on the bed. It was the first real break in contact we'd had, I looked up at him, at his beautiful but scared face as he leaned over me. He was nervous, but so was I. This was completely unchartered territory for us. We looked at each other intently - it was only a moment, but it was a moment of choice. My choice and his choice. I knew I wanted it and I knew he wanted it.

Nodding slowly, I put my hand behind his head and pulled his face down to meet mine for a softer, slower kiss. Then I wrapped my legs around the back of his and pulled him in tighter against me as I ran my hands up and down his back. He groaned at the movement, but then took in a sharp breath as I started pulling his shirt up, trying to get it off him. He still looked nervous, but he let me take it off and throw it on the floor, before I did the same to myself, taking my crop top off so that I was just in my bra. I knew he was still trying to figure out if any of this was real because he just stared at me for a while, before he leaned back down.

"I've been wanting to touch you like this all day." I whispered into his ear as he kissed my neck. I wanted nothing more than to tell him about all the things I'd imagined us doing throughout the day, during the shoot.
He let out a shaky breath, "I've been wanting to touch you like this for years." He whispered back. The butterflies in my stomach soared.
It was enough to confirm my decision to be here tonight, to do this with him.

I sped up our process, my movements sure as we carried on exploring each other's bodies for a time. Soon we were almost naked when he stopped and looked at me deeply, his eyes glassy with lust, "Are you sure?" he whispered again; he was physically shaking with restraint.

I looked at him for what felt like an age, before I nodded slowly and said confidently, "The surest I've been of anything in my life."

His answering smile was heart-breaking, then he kissed me so intensely, I thought I would split in half. I should have felt nervous, I thought I would feel fear and worry. But those weren't the feelings that came to me. Instead, I felt whole, safe and sure of my actions – this was right. We were right together.

He'd got to grips so beautifully with my body throughout the day, he handled me with such care, such passionate detail - I was a trembling mess by the end. And somehow, I knew exactly what to do to him too, by the sounds he was making. I'd never felt like this before, this consumed by my feelings -  I knew it would change things forever.

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