Mercy - Shawn

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Camila and I had spoken very little since my Señorita bombshell. I didn't blame her; she was trying to finish her tour and had a million award shows going on – whilst being honoured at each one. Honestly, I was just happy for her. Every time I saw a performance of hers on YouTube or saw a picture on Instagram, she'd somehow become more powerful in her voice, more confident, more beautiful. It killed me every single time.

It was nearly Christmas; my team was ramping up the planning process for my next tour and I was getting ready to do all the Christmas shows in the run up to the festive season. First up was Jingle Ball in LA – one of my favourites and one I knew Camila would be at too. Usually we'd text each other before we got to one of these events, to check in and let each other know where we would be, when to catch up.

This time was different. I had arrived in LA the day before, still no text. After the last stunt I pulled with her, I'll admit I was nervous about being the first to check in. When I saw she'd arrived separately to the show before me and had already given interviews, saying that her favourite part about doing these events was seeing me, I felt bad. Was I being immature about this?

I text her immediately and told her I would come see her at her dressing room that evening after her interviews. She simply replied, It's about time Canada! [winking emoji]

I knocked on her door later that evening and she flung herself at me as she opened it. I stumbled back, laughing whilst hugging her. She had a huge fluffy grey jacket on which swallowed her tiny frame completely. It was adorable, her laugh was contagious, we sank to the floor in hysterics. Call it relief, call it nervousness – who cares, I hadn't felt this good in months.

Eventually, when we'd stopped laughing and had closed the door (after getting a few serious looks from event organisers outside the room), she took my hand and lead me into the room. Her parents and sister were there with one of her dogs. I gave them all hugs and we chatted for a while before they made an excuse to go. Camila smiled at them secretively, then took my hand and pulled me towards the couch. Falling into it, she reached behind the back and pulled out a guitar.

"Before we do anything, I need to play something for you." She put her fingers on some cords and started singing softly;

"Señor Shawn Mendes ... you and I are ... friend-es" – I started laughing, she was singing to the tune of Smelly Cat, what on earth? She smiled broadly at me before continuing;
"You make me feel wonderful, even when your cynical...
Because you may not believe me... but I really do need thee...."
I laughed again, this had to be the most ridiculous thing she'd ever done
"Your music really has my heart,
And you've known it from the start." My heart was beginning to beat a bit quicker. Where was she going with this?
She slowed the pace of the tune a bit. "But, Señor Shawn Mendes...
Please don't ever not be my friend-es." I raised my eyebrow, she stuck her tongue out at me. The lines didn't fit with the tune at all, it made it all the funnier.
"Because I'll love you forever and more...
...If we can do this some more." She smiled softly at me and then finished the song slowly;
So please Señor Shawn Mendes, always be my friend-es...."

She stopped playing and looked up at me curiously. I don't know what expression was on my face, but she looked a little concerned.

"Why would you think I wouldn't be your friend?" My heart was heavy, but I managed to say it, adding a casual grin to throw her off. She shrugged slightly, looking sheepish. Adorable but a bit uncomfortable all the same. I decided to reach forward and hug her, burying my face in her hair, "You're the most ridiculous human". She laughed as I said it "I'm never not going to be your friend; you're stuck with me, Kid." I joked

Pulling back, she smiled sadly at me. Then, looking me deep in the eyes, she breathed, "Shawn, I want to do Señorita with you." She said it far too quickly for it to be casual.
I froze.

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