Bad Reputation Pt. 1 - Camila

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I was giddy with excitement, positively bursting with energy. I hadn't felt this good in months, I'd woken up with purpose - today we were going to rehearse the dance scenes for the Señorita music video.

I smiled as I remembered Shawn's text he sent when he had received my envelope of the music video materials for Señorita; You are crazy... I can't dance!!! X 
I cackled in response, if he wanted to do a sexy Spanish song, he had to be able to do the moves with it. I hoped it wasn't obvious that I was using the video, the dance, all of it as an excuse to get closer to him, to increase the amount of physical least Dave agreed with my methods. My reply had been another tease;
You'll have the best in the business to coach you and the best in the business to do the dance with too [winking emoji] [salsa dancing emoji] x

Interestingly, he hadn't mentioned the bedroom / hotel scenes. Maybe he hadn't even noticed that yet, maybe he was so nervous about the dancing that he hadn't prepared himself for the rest of it. I didn't care, I was ready for it, all of it.

I was in the dance studio, chatting excitedly to our choreographers, Sara and Calvit, when I heard his crew roll in. As soon as I saw him, I couldn't contain myself anymore. With a cheeky smile, I winked at my dance teachers and took a running jump at Shawn as he walked through the door. I didn't expect him to catch me as well as he did, but his strong arms wrapped around my hips as I locked my legs into place behind him. With my arms around his neck, he looked up at me in surprise.

"You've just passed your first test Senor Mendes" I giggled, staring at him, "At least we know you're strong enough for the moves." I winked as I slid down and out of his arms.
He looked stunned, casting a quick nervous glance at his friends and team who were watching us intently, "Strong enough? You're like five foot nothing... your more hair than body weight!" He joked, I sensed his false bravado, so I nudged him gently in the arm and led him over to Sara and Calv to introduce them.

We started off with some silly warm-ups, anything to diffuse the nervous energy. Shawn and I messed about in the dance studio like we were 16 again and just two kids on tour. Not two adults making a seriously sexy music video. Then Sara and Calv started showing us the full sequence they'd choreographed, moving beautifully together, making it look simple yet powerful and wholly seductive. I was grinning from ear to ear, whereas Shawn was nervously tapping his foot as he stood next to me, arms crossed and frowning. When Sara looked over at us as they finished the sequence, she burst out laughing.

"Don't worry Shawn, you'll be dancing with me to start. We won't make you start with that little firecracker..." she joked, pointing at me accusingly.
I feigned shock and said, "Fine, Calv and I have unfinished business with this choreography, he nearly dropped me last time." Calv simply shrugged, but Shawn looked mortified.
"Dropped you?" he said in shock.
"Occupational hazard for dancers, don't worry Shawn baby, we'll be gentle with you." Sara purred, Calv and I were in stitches at Shawn's horrified face.

Nearly an hour later, Shawn looked ready to pass out. Sara came and found me in the lounge area, kneeling next to me she whispered, "We have a problem." Shawn was still in the other room with Calv, talking about how to do lifts, I looked over nervously at him. "Shawn's terrified of dancing. He'll barely touch me!" She carried on, "I'm afraid he may combust if you get within reach of him!" She poked me in the ribs accusingly, she knew I'd initiated the whole video and theme.
I looked at her innocently, fluttering my lashes, before I responded, "Scream therapy?" Sara grinned like a Cheshire Cat at my suggestion. "Puuurrrfect" she patted me on the head, and we went back into the studio together.

"Shawn baby, we're going to do a little therapy session." She said, by way of an introduction. Shawn looked across nervously at us. "Nothing serious, but I'm going to let Camila show you how it's done." Sara said dramatically, stepping aside to let me take the limelight. I winked at him, took a big breath and then I screamed at the top of lungs for as long as I could. He nearly jumped out of his skin, holding his ears in shock.
"What the hell was that?!" He said loudly, still holding his ears, his face going pale.
I was laughing too much to talk, his reaction was so 'Canadian'. Sara clarified for him; "It's our way of getting rid of the nervous energy. You scream every-time you're nervous or worried about a move, an angle, anything really... and you feel better and more alive by the time you're done." She shrugged calmly, then next second she unleashed her own, ear-piercing scream.
Shawn looked just about ready to leave, he stared at me, real fear in his beautiful eyes. I stopped laughing and took that as my cue. Strutting up to him, I took his hand and said softly, "Scream Canada, scream". He gave me a long, incredulous look. I simply nodded and smiled before he let go completely and belted out a powerful scream, looking lightheaded and elated by the time he finished. I laughed at the pure joy spreading over his face.
"That ... was fun!" He let out a shaky laugh.
"Excellent!" Calv clapped his hands loudly, "because now it's time for you to dance with a Cabello, so I would suggest a couple more screams to prepare yourself, then let's do this." He clapped us in.

I was still giggling as Shawn moved in closer to me, so I draped my hands over his shoulders, letting him pull me in at my waist. I stood on my tiptoes and whispered into his ear, "Just you and me, remember." He looked dizzy and nervous, but he nodded biting his lip slightly. The butterflies in my stomach were uncontrollable.

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