Bad Reputation Pt. 2 - Shawn

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I had always been fit and strong, sure of my athletic abilities. But right now, I felt like a bumbling idiot. Camila and I had been doing the steps for hours and she barely broke a sweat. I was impressed, and embarrassed. But mostly, I was fighting every urge not to look like holding her close, being inches from her mouth and having her jump into my arms and wrap herself around me, wasn't filling me with desire. 

I was equal parts mad at her for suggesting all this sexy dancing and equal parts happy about it. It gave me the excuse to get to grips with parts of her body that I had spent years imagining. And she was up for it all, if not enthusiastic. I was dizzy with want, with need.

"One, two, three... one, two, three. And twist and hold and twist and hoooo..." I was listening to Sara so intently, watching Camila's beautiful face with so much concentration that my fingers slipped, and Camila's hand fell right out of mine as she flew to the floor. I froze in fear, my heart was in my throat before I suddenly heard her cackling laughter. I stooped down, holding her by the waist and trying to figure out if she was ok but she just carried on laughing before hitting me playfully on the arm, "You dropped me Canada! She joked.
I was flabbergasted, "I'm sorry! So sorry! It won't happen again!" I was so embarrassed, "I'll nail it this time, I promise." I said, shaking my head in disbelief. She simply smirked as she got back up.

Sara and Calv laughed even harder. I looked around at them all. They didn't think I could do this; they knew Camila was teasing me and driving me insane with her body, her moves. They were all in on it. I looked at them, in shock yet seeing it all clearly for the first time. They wanted me to struggle, Camila wanted me to carry on messing up so I could keep touching her. The competitive side of me was alive now... I would smash this next routine; I would prove them wrong.

And boy did I. On the next full sequence, I perfected the moves. The best thing was, they got it all on camera too. Camila's face as I pushed her up against the wall was shocked, she stared into my eyes deeply and I was enraptured. After a couple of seconds of looking at each other and breathing heavily, she slid down my leg, looking up at me in awe. Then with a very suggestive wink, she said "Nice one Canada, now let's see if you nail it when we're in full costume and with the rest of the crew." She squeezed my leg and pulled herself out, heading over the rest of the team to watch the playback, but not before giving me one last sultry look over her shoulder.

I took a long breath and shook my head. I was dead meat. Literally, dead. Andrew was right, I'd known about Latin Sass for years, but Latin Fire was the grown-up version and she was killing me, slowly. And enjoying it along the way.

By the end of rehearsals, after running through it two or three time more, I was lying on the floor, exhausted. I heard footsteps come my way before Camila slid down to lie down next to me. She put her feet up against the wall, I copied her, moving in slightly closer in the process.
After a couple of moments in silence, I said seriously, "Dancing really brings you to life doesn't it Camilita"
She smiled before looking across at me, "Dancing does do that yes, but I think I felt alive today because of you." She said quietly. It took me a moment to remember how to respond, to act cool.
"Alive but bruised... I'm sorry for dropping you." I brushed off her compliment, feeling embarrassed suddenly. She laughed loudly but then went quiet again.
"You were really good today Señor Mendes. Your mom and dad aren't going to believe it when I tell them I taught their son how to dance." She joked, poking me in the shoulder whilst she said it. I laughed softly; they really wouldn't believe it.
"I don't think you can take all the credit" I teased, "Sara and Calv did most of the work, Miss Firecracker." I winked at her, "I like that new nickname for you, by the way."
She leaned up against her elbow, looking down at me cheekily, "I'm sure you'll have many more nicknames for me by the end of this process." She said mysteriously. "Have you looked at the rest of the storyboard?" she asked more seriously this time, looking a bit worried.
"Erm, something about a diner – wonder where that inspiration came from?" I winked, she blushed. "And something about a motorbike? You have something for bad boys?" I cocked an eyebrow.
She waved me away, "No that bit was Dave, he wanted it to have a James Dean sort of feel to it. But no, I mean the other bit? In the hotel..." she asked.

I was confused, had I missed one of the pages? "Err what about a hotel?"
She looked at me for a while then let out a loud bark of laughter.
"Oh, Señor Shawn Mendes... you won't want to be my friend-es..." She started her smelly cat tune again; I rolled my eyes as I sat up to look at her. She smiled shyly, leaning in to give me a kiss on the cheek before getting up and saying, "Just keep drinking that throat-coat tea of yours Canada, the A-game is a must tomorrow..." She winked at me and walked towards her mom and manager.

I let out a long breath and lay back down on the floor. I had to read that missing part of the storyboard, right now.

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